I drank 'Mitsuya Nippon Kuda Monogatari Yanbaru Pine', where saliva is induced by the sweetness and sourness of pineapple

As the second installment of the 'Mitsuya Fruit Story of Japan' series, which uses domestically-designated fruits, 'Mitsuya Fruit Story of Japan Yanbaru Pine', which contains pine juice and pine syrup from Yanbaru, Okinawa Prefecture, will be released on May 9, 2023 (Tuesday). ), so I bought it and tried it.

``Mitsuya Japan Fruit Story Yanbaru Pine'' Released on May 9 | News Release 2023 | Company Information | Asahi Beverages


The package of 'Mitsuya Japan Fruit Story Yanbaru Pine' looks like this. The part of the series name 'Japanese Fruit Story' is most emphasized.

The raw material column goes around the bottle and cannot be confirmed at a glance. The first is 'sugars (fructose glucose liquid sugar, sugar)'.

Next is 'pineapple juice, pineapple syrup'.

47kcal per 100ml. If it is all one, it is 450 ml, so it is 211.5 kcal.

Okinawa pineapple is described as 'Jewel of Yanbaru'.

Mitsuya logo on the cap.

I poured it into a glass. The moment you open the cap, you can smell the sweet pineapple scent. Carbonic acid is so popping that it is clearly weakened even during pouring.

When you eat pineapple fruit, you will feel discomfort in your throat along with sweetness and sourness, but ``Mitsuya Nippon Kudamonogatari Yanbaru Pine'' feels like extracting only the sweet part of pineapple, and there is no feeling of mussel. The taste is mainly sweet, but there is also a slightly sour taste that invites saliva. Carbonic acid is weak as you can see, and you can drink it with Gubigubi, but it leaves a slightly sweet aftertaste in your mouth and sticky.

'Mitsuya Japan Fruit Story Yanbaru Pine' is 184 yen including tax and is on sale nationwide.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by logc_nt