Should a detailed plot be created when creating a story, or is it unnecessary?


Plot ', which is one of the techniques for creating a story, is to write down the outline and setting of the story, the trigger and the punchline of the development, and use it as a blueprint when actually creating the story. Plot production is said to be so important that some writers say they spend more time on the plot than the story itself. Based on his experience, he talks about whether plot production is really necessary, and if so, how it can be useful and how it should be used.

Abraham Verghese: To Plot or Not to Plot ‹ Literary Hub

As a result of analyzing interesting stories and hit works, composition techniques such as `` a good story can be created in a line graph' ' and ``there is a standard equation for emotional changes that occur in the story of a novel'' have been clarified. increase. Matthew L. Jockers, a literary data analyst at Washington State University, superimposes the results of analyzing excellent stories on plot movements to determine whether the story outline is boring or not, an important turning point. It points out that it is possible to discover whether there is

A good story can be created in a line graph - GIGAZINE

by rossyyume

The plot can not only summarize ideas and create a blueprint for the story, but also review the composition from the plot, but Mr. Belgians raises the question, 'Is the plot really necessary?' John Irving, a prominent American novelist, said, ``A writer must know what is happening in the story.'' I know the beginning and end of each chapter. However, according to Mr. Belgians, even Mr. Irving, who makes the plot in such detail, will continue to change the situation from the plot when he starts writing.

When Belgians began writing the novel The Covenant of Water , which took more than a decade to write, he knew that detailed planning was important, so he used a giant whiteboard to sketch out the blueprints for the story. . However, even though I wrote based on a well-crafted plot, the story always continued to move in unexpected directions. As a result, I erased the contents of the whiteboard every few months, recreated the blueprints in line with the new direction of the story, and immediately found flaws in the blueprints and deviated in a new direction. . In the end, what was left on the whiteboard became the complete blueprint for the story, but Belgians said it was drawn after the fact and didn't function as a plot before writing the story. .

In conclusion, Belgians said, ``I think it's a mistake to think of the plot as a dichotomy between writing it as a detailed blueprint for a story and writing it to discover story ideas.'' Whether you create a detailed plot and write according to it, or the plot changes many times while writing, you will eventually reach the point where you know the whole story, so the difference is whether the story solidifies early or late. There is only one.

However, even if the plot is fixed after the story is finished, it is possible to see the connections and themes in the story, and to analyze later the compositional techniques that are difficult to see if there is a lot of text, so it is possible to deviate from the plot. Belgians points out that it is important to change the plot accordingly, even if you create a story by doing it.

'Nevertheless, I will try to create a plot that will be more orderly in the next novel,' Belgians said. But at the same time, he says, 'I trust the process of writing,' cherishing the things that unfold when you start writing a story, allowing you to feel the surprises that naturally appear on the page.

in Note,   Manga, Posted by log1e_dh