It turns out that antibiotic-resistant bacteria propagate in the body even if you do not drink antibiotics

It is known that drug-resistant bacteria that are ineffective against antibiotics occur due to the abuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics, especially super bugs (super-drug-resistant bacteria) that are resistant to all drugs are public health is a threat above. A new study, which analyzed gut bacteria from people in 14 countries around the world, found that people can get caught up in antibiotic-resistant bacteria even if they don't take them.
Population-level impacts of antibiotic usage on the human gut microbiome | Nature Communications

Antibiotic Resistance Can Emerge in Your Gut Even Without Antibiotics Use : ScienceAlert

Much of the research into drug-resistant bacteria has focused on pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious diseases, but microorganisms, both harmful and harmless, are everywhere, including the human body and the surrounding environment. .
Christopher Quince, a microbiologist at the Earlham Institute in the United Kingdom, said: 'Our bodies are constantly taking in and shedding microbes and pathogens. So the problem of drug-resistant bacteria is micro. We have to work on both the macro and macro levels,' he said.

To investigate the global spread of drug-resistant bacteria, Quince et al.'s international research team analyzed 3096 intestinal bacteria samples from 14 countries around the world, including North America, China, and Europe. To create a clean genetic profile unaffected by antibiotic resistance, the research team selects people who are presumed to be antibiotic-free when collecting samples.
Comparing the intestinal bacterial genetic data obtained in this way with the database of drug resistance genes, we found that the total abundance and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) varied according to the consumption of antibiotics in the country. I understand
Spain and France, where antibiotics are commonly used in particular, had large amounts of ARGs, as expected. Compared to these countries, China should have used less antibiotics, but it also had ARGs. The research team believes that China uses more antibiotics than is actually published, or that antibiotics, such as pesticides, are affecting the body's microbiome. increase.
They also found a very strong association between the ARGs found in the samples and the level of antibiotic use in the country where the donors lived, even though the samples were donated by people who were not taking antibiotics. Therefore, the research team said, ``The heavy use of antibiotics may spread ARGs not only to people directly exposed to antibiotics, but to the entire population, which may spread to

According to a study published in 2019, it is estimated that drug-resistant bacteria kill thousands of people each year in Europe alone. Another study showed that drug-resistant bacteria were the third leading cause of death worldwide in 2019.
``This study is the first to quantify the impact of a country's antibiotic use on the resident microbiota of people in that country,'' said Falk Hildebrand, a co-author of the paper.
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in Science, Posted by log1l_ks