Countermeasures against bacteria that even antibiotics do not work may be in 'In the kitchen sponge'

Antibiotics are drugs effective for controlling infections and etc. by suppressing the growth of microbes in the body, but as human beings use antibiotics extensively, “ antibiotic resistant bacteria ” resistant to antibiotics rapidly increase. I'm out. A study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology at the ASM Microbe , where a bacteriophage (phage) that could compete against such antibiotic resistant bacteria may be found in the 'kitchen sponge'.
There are Bacteriophages in Your Kitchen Sponge | SOURCE | NYIT
The Solution to Antibiotic Resistance Could Be In Your Kitchen Sponge
Phage is a type of virus that destroys the infected bacterial cell membrane as if it had dissolved. The growing number of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics has led to the potential for the evolution of phage to feed on those antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
What is the strongest virus 'bacteriophage' that easily kills resistant bacteria that are not effective against antibiotics? -GIGAZINE

The research team at the New York Institute of Technology thought, 'If such an' evolution 'of phage occurs, it would be a place where bacteria and phage are always breeding,' as a result, 'kitchen' I chose 'Sponge'.
Kitchen sponges breed all kinds of microbes, which also contain bacteria that are harmful to the human body. Five of the top ten bacteria present in kitchen sponges have been found to be related to the disease, and although humanity has made an effort to manage those bacteria, the eradication of the bacteria that has proliferated in kitchen sponges Has proved quite difficult. In this study, we used the fact that kitchen sponges have the property of becoming a hotbed of bacteria.

Members of the research team brought kitchen sponges from their home kitchens and separated the bacteria that had been breeding in them. We isolated phages that feed on each bacterium. Two types of phage were found, but when we compared the DNA of each feed bacteria, we found that both were a type of Enterobacteriaceae mainly found in feces, Phage was found to be highly relevant. However, the two phages showed different chemical properties in biochemical examination.
Phage is known to differ depending on the species of bacteria that it infects. According to research team Brianna Weiss, the differences in the chemical properties of phages are related to the bacteria that they infect, so studying these differences will help to find phages that treat specific antibiotic resistant bacteria. It will be connected. As a research perspective, Wyeth says, 'We will continue our research to isolate phage, and we will make efforts to discover phage that can selectively infect antibiotic-resistant bacteria.'
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log