While a worksheet summarizing the points to be emphasized in selling games on Steam is open to the public, it is important to be registered in the wish list anyway

With the advent of the game sales platform Steam, anyone can easily release games. However, it is difficult to survive a highly competitive platform where all kinds of games appear every day and deliver your own game to users. Game developer and advisor Matt Hackett has released a worksheet with advice that might help you win the competition.

How to make a good Steam page

Mr. Hackett is a person who devises and provides tutorials on how to create games for indie game developers, and he himself develops games such as ' A Wizard's Lizard ' and ' Witchmore '.

The worksheet published by Mr. Hackett explains in detail what to do and what not to do about the following five items.

◆ 1: STEAM CAPSULE (image image)
A CAPSULE is a single image that briefly describes the content of the game. For example, the Witchmore capsule created by Mr. Hackett is as follows. The word 'WITCH' is drawn in an eerie font, while a picture of a cute cat is drawn next to it. From this one image, you can imagine that there are elements that are somehow soothing while being deceptive.

It seems that this simplicity is based on Undertale.

Hackett says capsules should be concise and easy to read, and include the game's name, genre, and anything else that hooks it up. I also advise you to hire an artist.

◆ 2: THE DISCOVERY ALGORITHM (discovery queue algorithm)
This is an element that matches Steam's algorithm. From the tendency of this algorithm, Mr. Hackett advises that 'it is important to be registered in more than 7000 wishlists before the game is released and to collect more than 10 reviews immediately'. On the other hand, for reviews, it seems that there is no impact on traffic unless it is 'overwhelmingly unpopular', which represents the lowest rating on Steam.

It seems that 15% of the games on the user's wish list are purchased in the first week of release. Steam will send an email or push notification to users who have added the game to their wishlist when the game is released and when it offers a discount of 20% or more. is also considered good.

Hackett also looks at the image below, created by sales advisor Chris Zukowski , and describes it as 'a quick summary of well-known data points and helpful tips.' This image shows where or when it is most efficient to publish the wishlist, and according to this image, the most efficient timing is Steam's festival .

◆ 4: SALES ESTIMATES FROM REVIEWS (Sales forecast by the number of reviews)
According to Hackett, one review can generate 20 to 55 sales. Hackett's New Boxleiter Number (NB number) is a numberdevised by analyst Simon Carless in 2020, and is used to estimate the number of sales on Steam, which does not disclose the number of games sold. known as one of the standards. According to Hackett, 30 NBs (30 sales per review) is the best number you can expect, and you can safely assume that a game with 100 reviews will sell 3,000 copies.

◆ 5: TRAILER (trailer)
Hackett suggests that game trailers are often skipped, and that strong elements should be included at the beginning, and that the intro game logo can be eliminated. In addition, it is good to include elements that are directly related to gameplay, be 60 seconds or less in length, and include a sentence at the end that encourages adding to the wish list or purchasing.

You can check the trailer of Witchmore released by Mr. Hackett from the following. It's not exactly 60 seconds, but it's close to it, and the intro doesn't have a logo, making it a video that clearly shows what the game is about.

Witchmore-Steam Page Trailer-YouTube

The above worksheet is the first version, and it seems that additions and corrections will be made in the future. Mr. Hackett's Witchmore is scheduled to be released in the third quarter of 2023, and Mr. Hackett says, 'The goal is to get at least 8,000 witch lists!'

in Video,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr