'National media' label attached to NPR's Twitter account changed to 'media funded by government' & BBC also given the same label

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In April 2023, Twitter

gave the account of the non-profit media organization 'National Public Radio (NPR)' the label 'US state-affiliated media'. NPR protested against this labeling, but this label disappeared and a new label ' Government Funded Media' was given. In addition, the same label is given to the Twitter account of the British media 'BBC'.

Musk asks basic facts about NPR after labeling it 'state-affiliated media' on Twitter : NPR

Twitter: BBC objects to 'government funded media' label - BBC News

The label 'state media' given to NPR is also given to media such as China's Xinhua News Agency and Russia's RT , but these media are recognized as 'media that transmits national propaganda'. For this reason, NPR severely criticized Twitter, saying, ``The same label we use to designate public media and propaganda organizations in Russia, China, and elsewhere has been applied to non-profit media companies.'' was

In addition, NPR indirectly receives funds from the US government because it has the role of ``supporting affiliated stations through annual subsidies from US public broadcasters.'' It is less than 1% of the total,' emphasizing that it is not a state-owned media.

Twitter labels NPR, a non-profit organization, as ``state-owned media'', treating it the same as Russia's RT and China's Xinhua News Agency, which spills the official view of the country-GIGAZINE

According to NPR reporter Bobby Allin , Mr. Allin sent several emails to Twitter CEO Elon Musk asking about labeling, and Musk asked, 'Please tell me the breakdown of NPR's annual budget.' He said that the question 'Who appoints the leader of NPR?' In response to this question, Mr. Allin said, ``1% of NPR's annual budget is funded by the federal government.'' ``An independent committee appoints the CEO of NPR, and the CEO appoints the leader.'' I answered.

As a result of exchanging e-mails, Mr. Mask said , ``The labeling of NPR may have been a mistake,'' and promised to reconsider it internally. On the other hand, Mr. Mask said, ``It is important to apply the rules fairly to all media.If the same rules are not applied in the United States, media in other countries will also be labeled as 'national media.' It should not be done, ”he also appealed that the labeling of NPR was a result of the same rules that were applied to media in other countries. In response to Mr. Musk's opinion, Allin said, ' Twitter's guidelines state that the label 'national media' is given to media whose reporting content is controlled by the government.NPR is not. No,' he said, dismissing Mr. Mask's opinion.

After that, NPR's label of 'national media' was abolished, and instead the label of 'Government Funded Media' was given.

Regarding this label change, Mr. Allin complained that 'Tesla, which has received billions of dollars (hundreds of billions of yen) in subsidies from the government over the years, does not have a similar label.' says.

In addition, Mr. Mask said to Mr. Allin, ``More institutions will be given the label ``media funded by the government''. In fact, at the time of writing the article, the same label was given to the Twitter account of the major British media 'BBC'.

The BBC opposes the above labeling and has started discussions with Twitter. In addition, although the BBC receives 90 million pounds (about 14.8 billion yen) annually from the British government to develop the service 'BBC World Service' for outside the UK, British citizens pay more than 70% of the operating funds. I'm appealing that I'm covered by the receiving fee.

In addition, even at the time of article creation, Twitter's

Japanese version help page has an item to the effect that 'NPR and BBC will not be given a national media label'.

However, as of April 6, 2023, the letters 'NPR' had disappeared from the English help page. And as of April 10, both 'NPR' and 'BBC' have disappeared.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf