Twitter blocks Pakistani government in India, further boosts media related to Chinese national authorities

Twitter has reportedly
Twitter blocks Pakistan gov, boosts dictators' state media • The Register
According to the IT news site The Register, accessing the Pakistani government's official Twitter account via an Indian IP address displays a notification that 'the account has been blocked in India as required by law.' It seems that it has disappeared. However, since the official Twitter account of the Pakistani government is displayed as other countries including Japan, you can see that it is not a comprehensive blocking but a region-limited geoblocking.

Indian media
Medianama said that the Indian police had cut off the internet connection in the Punjab state in order to pursue the whereabouts of Mr. It is said that geoblocking the government's official Twitter account may be part of this crackdown.
The official Twitter account of the Pakistani government was geoblocked in India in July 2022, and this is the third time since October of the same year, and in neither case has Twitter announced geoblocking.

Prateek Waghre, policy director at the Internet Freedom Foundation, told The Register that ``Twitter's Indian entity has seen a significant reduction in its workforce due to job cuts, and ) I guess they don't have the human resources to respond to detailed requests.'
In addition, Wenhao, a journalist familiar with Chinese propaganda and Internet censorship, pointed out that Chinese media accounts are displayed as recommendations.
Twitter seems to be violating its own policy by recommending posts from Chinese state media accounts. I've seen a few of these recently on my “
For you” tab from state afflicted accounts that I do not — Wenhao (@ThisIsWenhao) March 28, 2023
Twitter's policy, 'Regarding Government and State Authorities Media Account Labels,' states, 'For state authority media outlets, Twitter does not endorse or disseminate accounts with these labels or their Tweets.' It is defined. The Register criticized, ``The display of accounts labeled as'national authority-related media' on the recommended timeline violates Twitter's own policy.''
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