Myanmar cuts off connection to Facebook

On February 4, 2021, it was revealed that Internet providers, including the state-owned Myanmar Postal Service (MPT), blocked connections to Facebook services. This measure is ordered by the Ministry of Information and Communication of Myanmar, and confusion is widespread in Myanmar, where half of the people use Facebook.
Facebook Takes A Stand Against Myanmar Coup
Facebook designates Myanmar a'temporary high-risk location' after coup --The Verge
Myanmar internet providers block Facebook services after government order | Reuters
LATEST DEVELOPMENT: New military government orders telecom companies to temporarily block Facebook as they assume the social media platform is disturbing the restoration of stability in the country. Jumping back to 2000s in three days. #Myanmar
— Hnin Zaw (@hninyadanazaw) February 3, 2021
The Myanmar Armed Forces, which caused a coup on February 1, 2021, ordered a domestic telecommunications company to temporarily block Facebook, saying that 'Facebook is hindering the restoration of national stability.' According to the network monitoring group NetBlocks , it has been confirmed that the Myanmar Postal Service, a provider with 23 million users in Myanmar, has blocked Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp services.
The Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor , which operates in Myanmar, also blocked access to Facebook in accordance with the order, but on the other hand, 'The order was issued based on Myanmar law, but under international human rights law. I don't think it is based on the principle of necessity / proportionality . '
Meanwhile, the Myanmar Ministry of Information and Communication said, 'People use Facebook to disseminate false information, causing misunderstandings among people.'
On February 3, 2021, Facebook designated Myanmar as a 'temporary high-risk area' and is poised to remove content including armed calls. The temporary high-risk area designation was also made during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, with Facebook `` closely monitoring the development of political events in Myanmar, which could cause further tension. We are taking steps to prevent sexually incorrect information. '
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