What is a ``breakthrough bicycle tire that is hard to puncture'' made from easily available materials?

Bicycles are convenient for traveling short distances and in urban areas where there is little space to park your car. However, it also has the drawback of puncturing the tire. YouTube channel

The Q has developed a groundbreaking bicycle tire that overcomes such drawbacks and is hard to puncture.

60 Tennis Balls = 2 Bicycle Tires-YouTube

Tennis balls scattered around the room.

The culprit was a robot vacuum cleaner.

The Q looks at the tennis balls scattered in the room and seems to have come up with something.

Prepare PVC pipes of different sizes and check whether a tennis ball will fit or not.

Choose a piece of PVC pipe slightly smaller than the diameter of a tennis ball and use a ruler to mark evenly spaced pieces.

Cut the PVC pipe along this mark.

I got a lot of bugs.

Drill a hole in it.

Then pass the screw through the hole and fix it with the nut.

I pushed a tennis ball into this PVC pipe, but it seems that it was impossible with bare hands.

I fixed the gap with a vise and pushed it in by hand or hit it with a hammer, but I could not push the tennis ball inside.

A metal pipe was taken out.

Mark this metal pipe with a pen.

Then drill some holes.

Cut with a disc grinder.

It turned out to be something like this.

Then close the tip of the metal pipe slightly with pliers.

Then weld some.

Polish the surface.

We also have other things like metal pipes.

I spray painted them black.

Put the PVC pipe created earlier into the round metal part.

Insert the metal pipe created earlier from the top of this PVC pipe. By processing the tip so that it becomes thinner, it is possible to insert the metal pipe into the PVC pipe. Furthermore, put a tennis ball in this metal pipe and push it from above.

With this, it is possible to push a tennis ball into a PVC pipe, which was impossible with bare hands.

Next, drill evenly spaced holes in the bicycle wheel.

Then, fix the tennis ball in the hole using the screw attached to the PVC pipe.


Finally prepare the tire of the bicycle.

Cut the unnecessary part and put it on the wheel with the tennis ball attached.

When you attach a bicycle tire made of tennis balls to a bicycle, it looks like this.

I will actually ride it.

The bike rides comfortably on the road without any issues.


Clear the steps without any problems.

In this case, even if the tire is punctured, only one or two tennis balls will burst, so it seems easy to replace.

The title of The Q's video is '60 tennis balls = 2 bicycle tires', so it seems that 30 tennis balls are required to make one tire.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by logu_ii