'Retrograde' that the future affects the past is attracting attention among scientists and philosophers

There must be many people who have regretted things like 'I should have done this at that time'. Although the concept of '
A Growing Number of Scientists Are Convinced the Future Influences the Past

Physicists Kenneth Wharton of San Jose State University and Hugh Price of Trinity College, University of Cambridge, who are researching the possibility of retrograde, and others, in the area of quantum mechanics, '
According to Wharton et al., ``reverse causality '' such as ``retrograde'' may explain mysterious phenomena such as ``quantum entanglement'' and ``tunneling'' that are difficult to explain with conventional physics and quantum mechanics. It is said that there is. Furthermore, reverse causality makes it possible to explore the ``time- symmetric cosmology'' that the laws of physics are the same regardless of whether time moves forward or backward.
The idea of reverse causality is different from common time travel, you can't send signals or objects into the past. Reverse causality is a mechanism by which future conditions are correlated with past conditions.

``In order to understand quantum mechanics in a time-symmetrical manner, we need some kind of retrograde causal relationship,'' said Emily Adrum of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy at Western University, ``The same occurrence 'Two people receiving particles from a source find a correlation even though they are light years apart.' According to Adram, reverse causality researchers claim that these particles show correlations arising from the past. In other words, it is said that the measurements that two people each make on a particle can influence the properties of past particles.
'Reverse causality provides a more natural explanation for quantum entanglement than

However, opinions are divided among experts such as physicists and philosophers about reverse causality, and according to Wharton et al. It is necessary to be careful to distinguish '.
``Reverse causality may help resolve the contradiction between quantum mechanics and classical physics, '' said Price, saying that retrogradeness could explain the correlation between future states and past events. I am revealing that I have a sexuality.
Furthermore, the idea of reverse causality offers a new way of understanding the wavefunction and the contraction of the wavefunction , and can provide a new means of integrating classical quantum mechanics with classical physics. I'm here.
``Our goal is to devise a more general model of reverse causality,'' Wharton said. We are encouraged to accept it and we will continue our research.'
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in Science, Posted by log1r_ut