'Firefox 111' official release, improved compatibility with Firefox Relay

The official version of the web browser 'Firefox 111' has been released. You can now use Firefox Relay functionality directly from your password manager.

Firefox 111.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes


◆ Create a mail mask for Firefox Relay
Firefox Relay is a service that randomly generates and manages mail masks (equivalent to so-called 'throwaway emails') that link to existing email addresses.

``Firefox Relay'' review that protects the original email address by automatically generating a discarded email that can be used when creating an account for free - GIGAZINE

With this update, Firefox Relay users can now create email masks directly from Firefox Password Manager.

Email protection just got easier in Firefox


To use this function, sign in with a Firefox account that you have registered with Firefox Relay, and check 'Enable Firefox Relay with Firefox's password manager' in 'Login and password' on the setting screen.

◆ Windows native notification
Windows native notifications are now enabled by default. Windows native notifications have been available since the release of Windows 10, but Firefox initially did not try to use them and used its own notification system for push notifications. After that, due to high demand from users, native notifications were supported, but it was treated like a hidden function that could not be used unless the settings were changed through the settings editor (about:config page) .

◆ Add locale
The following locales have been newly added:

・ Friulian (fur): A language spoken in the border area of northeastern Italy (Friuli region)
・Sardinian (sc): Language spoken on the island of Sardinia, west of Italy

◆ rel attribute of form tag
The HTML form element now supports the rel attribute . This allows you to specify the relationship between the current document and the form's target in a simpler and browser-independent way.

◆ Access to the origin private file system
Access to Origin Private File System (OPFS) is now available. It does this with a new storage API that allows web applications to store and retrieve data to and from file systems within their sandbox.

Firefox 111 also includes 13 security bug fixes .

The next major version, 'Firefox 112', will be released on April 11, 2023, local time.

in Software, Posted by log1c_sh