Photos that look like CG images even though they are live action

The Norwegian-based design studio '
Still File - Skrekkøgle
◆ 1st sheet: 3 types of solids
In the following pictures, ``wood grain cubes'', ``strongly reflective spheres'', and ``white cones'' are arranged on top of the ``black and white checkered pattern'' that is common in CG. The reflection of each solid in the checkered pattern and the reflection of the sphere create an overwhelming sense of unreality.

The production process looks like this. 'Woodgrain Cube' seems to have been created by pasting a woodgrain film on a wooden cube.

A 3D printer is used to create the cone.

Reflection is expressed by putting a glass plate on the checkered cloth.

◆ 2nd picture: A cube floating on a black background
A picture in which a yellow cube floats on a black background. The faint striped pattern in the background makes it look like CG.
The cube was made with three colors of drawing paper to create shadows.

Fold the black paper evenly.

Shooting was done in the following environment.

◆ 3rd picture: unrealistic teapot
Mysterious photos of teapots balancing on the spout and teapots buried in the ground.

It looks like this when creating a teapot.

State of shooting. It may be the liver that makes the lighting position look like CG.

◆ 4th piece: Cube with metallic balls
A photograph in which a 'cube made up of spheres with a metallic sheen' floats in an 'upside-down landscape'.

The cube was created by arranging metal balls regularly as follows.

The mysterious background is realized by printing a 'panoramic photo of the scenery' on a long piece of paper and placing it upside down so that it surrounds the cube.

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in Art, Posted by log1o_hf