Government agency Zoom meeting hacked and covered in pornographic images

At an online video conference held by the board of directors
Porn Zoom bomb forces cancellation of Fed's Waller event | Reuters
US Fed Reserve Zoom Conference Canceled After 'Porn-Bombing' | PCMag
About 220 people attended the Fed's online board meeting, which was scheduled to be held on March 2, 2023, and after the opening declaration by Fed President Christopher Waller, there were discussions and questions and answers about inflation and the economic outlook. was scheduled to take place.
However, just before Mr. Waller's opening declaration, a participant named 'Dan' began displaying pornographic images on the screen. To avoid confusion, the Fed hastily canceled the online meeting minutes after it was scheduled to begin.
A large number of damages have been reported so far in the so-called ``Zoom bombing'', where a malicious person interrupts an online meeting and plays pornographic images. A bombing erupts, forcing the conference to be called off.
``Zoom bombing'' bursts with pornographic videos at the online hearing of Twitter large-scale hacking case-GIGAZINE

Brent Jerks, executive director of the Midsize Banks Association of America (MBCA), who hosted the online meeting on Zoom, said, ``We are victims of the Zoom bombing and we deeply regret it. We are discussing what measures we can take in the future to prevent this from happening.In our meetings so far, this has never happened.'
Jerks suspects that the reason for this Zoom bombing is that ``the security settings that mute users when joining and prevent screen sharing were not set correctly.'' However, details about the setting of the Zoom meeting that took place this time have not been revealed.
Zoom spokesperson Matt Nagel said, 'We are very outraged and strongly condemned by these Zoombombings. We take the disruption caused by the Zoombombing of this Fed meeting very seriously and will We are working closely with law enforcement to investigate.'
Zoombombing can be prosecuted for disrupting public meetings, hacking into computers, sending hate crimes, fraud, or threatening communications. In April 2020, a function was added to report damage to Zoom in real time in the event of a Zoom bombing.
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in Web Service, Security, Posted by log1r_ut