Web page 3 line summary function using ChatGPT is added to Opera

It became clear that a web page summary function using '
Opera enters the generative AI space with new features in browsers and content apps - Blog | Opera News
At the left end of Opera's screen is a sidebar that can display history and favorites, and is characterized by being able to use the functions of web services such as TikTok and Telegram on the sidebar. According to Opera's official blog, a web page summary function using ChatGPT will be added to this sidebar.
In the movie below, you can see how Opera uses ChatGPT to perform the 'summary of articles' operation.
Webpage content summary using WebGPT in the Opera browser-YouTube
While browsing the web page, click 'SHORTEN (summary)' in the ad lever.

Then, a screen where you can use ChatGPT is displayed in the sidebar at the left end of the screen, and the sentence '(Title of the web page you are viewing) is summarized in 3 bullet points' is automatically entered.

As I typed, ChatGPT returned a summary of the webpage.

According to Opera's official blog, it is planned to install the function of 'content generation AI' that generates images and sentences in the PC version and smartphone version of Opera in the future.
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in Software, Web Application, Posted by log1o_hf