The use of facial recognition technology is not permitted for the time being except for judicial investigations and crime prevention, Italian regulators announced

Following the announcement by the city of Lecce in southern Italy that it would offer a system based on facial recognition technology, the Data Protection Authority said: The installation and use of facial recognition systems are not permitted.'
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Italy outlaws facial recognition tech, except to fight crime | Reuters
EU and Italian legislation allows public authorities to process personal data using recording equipment where it is necessary for the public interest and in connection with the exercise of public power.
However, according to the Data Protection Bureau, municipalities can only use video surveillance systems when there is a 'city security agreement' between the mayor and the government.
In addition, until December 31, 2023, when a specific law on this subject comes into force or until December 31, 2023, the installation and use of biometric facial recognition systems, except for processing for judicial investigation or crime prevention and deterrence purposes. indicated that it is not allowed.
In addition, from December 1, 2022, in the city of Arezzo in Tuscany, central Italy, when a traffic violation is detected, the license plate of the vehicle is read and compared with the national database to confirm the validity of the driver's license. 'Glass' is to be put into operation, but warnings have been issued against the use of video equipment that could remotely control, even indirectly, worker activity.
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