Data protection agency declares that 'use of Google analytics is illegal', orders website operator to eliminate Google analytics

La Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), a French data protection agency, told website operators that 'use of Google Analytics is illegal'. I have ordered you to stop using analytics.

Use of Google Analytics and data transfers to the United States: the CNIL orders a website manager / operator to comply | CNIL

Google Analytics is a service that measures the number and routes of Internet users who visit your website. Google Analytics assigns a unique identifier to each visitor, and Google transfers this identifier and related data to a server in the United States. An identifier is a collection of information that can be used to identify each visitor, so it can be regarded as personal information.

CNIL has received some complaints from privacy protection group NOBY about the transfer of data collected on websites using Google Analytics to servers in the United States. NOBY seems to have filed a total of 101 complaints against 27 EU member states and three European Economic Areas .

Following a complaint from NOBY, CNIL worked with its European counterparts to analyze the conditions under which the data collected by Google Analytics will be transferred to the United States and the risks posed to stakeholders. The reason for this is to confirm the consistency with the judgment ' Schlems II judgment ' regarding the cross-border transfer of personal information issued by the EU Court of Justice in 2020.

CNIL argues that data transfer 'should be provided with a reasonable guarantee' because the United States does not enforce a sufficient level of data protection rules in line with the GDPR, and in the case of Google Analytics this guarantee. Is 'not enough,' CNIL concludes. Specifically, it seems that the data collected by Google Analytics and transferred to the United States has a sufficient possibility of being accessible by US intelligence agencies.

Therefore, the use of Google Analytics poses a great risk to French website users, and CNIL stated that under Article 44 of the GDPR, 'Stop using Google Analytics and do not involve data transfer outside the EU. I'm telling the website operator to 'move to use'. There is a one-month grace period to comply with this order.

CNIL states that analytics services like Google Analytics are 'recommended to be used only to generate anonymous stats.'

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii