KFC posts a message celebrating the Jewish attack case 'Krystal Night'

It is often seen in the food industry that advertisements such as 'Let's eat this and celebrate on ○○'s anniversary!' , posted a message that seemed to celebrate the 1938 ' Kyoto Suisho ' incident and apologized.
KFC apologizes after accidental Kristallnacht 'treat yourself' message - The Jerusalem Post
The image tweeted by LEVINSKY (djlevinsky), who lives in Berlin, Germany, is a notification from the KFC app, saying, ``On Reichspogromnacht anniversary, enjoy crunchy chicken and melty cheese.KFC cheese!'' A message to that effect is displayed.
@KFCDeutschland Nein ich möchte keinen zarten Cheese zu meinem knusprigen Chicken am #9november pic.twitter.com/Ikwy5TKa5SMore
—LEVINSKY (@djlevinsky) November 9, 2022
'Reichspogromnacht' literally translates to 'Night of the Imperial Massacre' and refers to the Jewish raid that occurred from November 9th to 11th, 1938. At this time, a Jewish store was attacked and glass was scattered, so it is also called 'Kristallnacht'. From the contents, it is clear that it is not something like 'eat KFC and celebrate'.
Dahlia Grinfeld, associate director of the Jewish organization Anti- Defamation League (ADL) , quoted the tweet and sternly condemned, 'Shame on you.'
Wie daneben kann man eigentlich sein an #Reichspogromnacht , @KFCDeutschland ( @kfc )?! Schämt euch! https://t.co/nJvE15Nn0X
— Dalia Grinfeld (@DaliaGrinfeld) November 9, 2022
According to KFC, message creation was a semi-automated process linked to a calendar that included national events, and insufficient internal review led to the sharing of unauthorized notifications. . Regarding the mistake, he said, 'It was clearly wrong, insensitive and unacceptable.' rice field.
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