Volkswagen is developing a hydrogen car with a cruising range of 2000 km

Hydrogen-powered vehicles, which use a hydrogen fuel engine for energy, are attracting attention as next-generation vehicles because they are as environmentally friendly as electric vehicles and can be recharged faster than electric vehicles. increase. In October 2022, it became clear that Volkswagen had applied for a new patent for a hydrogen vehicle that can run 2000km with one tank.


VW entwickelt Wasserstoff-Durchbruch: „Mit einer Tankfüllung bis zu 2.000 km“

VW mit Brennstoffzelle: 2.000 Kilometer mit einer Tankfüllung - PC-WELT

Volkswagen develops hydrogen car that can travel 2,000 kilometers on one tank - Ruetir

Speaking of 2000km, it is about the distance to travel from Sapporo to Shimonoseki by car.

Volkswagen has applied for a patent for a special fuel cell in collaboration with German fuel cell developer Kraftwerk TUBES.

According to Sascha Kühn, CEO of Kraftwerk TUBES, the new fuel cell will be much cheaper to manufacture because it does not use platinum, a precious metal, unlike traditional polymer fuel cells. The major difference from existing fuel cells is that a ceramic membrane is used instead of the 'plastic membrane' used by Hyundai and Toyota for fuel cells.

Plastic membranes need to be wet, so they can freeze in winter, dry out in summer, and grow mold, but ceramic membranes do not need to be wet, and the above problems does not seem to occur.

Energy efficiency is also very good, so the cruising range may be as long as 2000 km. Volkswagen says it will install this technology in mass-produced vehicles by 2026, saying that it has achieved a production capacity that can be fully covered by the Dresden plant in Germany.

in Vehicle, Posted by log1p_kr