A software engineer who automatically sent an email to a company recruiter using the text generation AI 'GPT-3' appeared

'GPT-3' is a sentence generation AI that produces sentences that are comparable to humans and can have natural dialogue with humans. GPT-3 is used to support writing and coding, but software engineer Matt Billew used it to create fixed phrases when replying to emails and succeeded in automating a splendid reply.

Responding to recruiter emails with GPT-3 | Matt's programming blog


It seems that Mr. Billieu receives frequent recruitment emails from companies, but Mr. Billieu, who is not particularly looking for a job, seems not to be very interested in the contents of the emails. However, there are companies that send e-mails many times if left alone, so Mr. Billieu says that he checks and replies one by one. Since most of these work continues to return fixed phrases, he seems to have thought about automating the work.

The fixed sentence that Mr. Billieu is writing is like this.

Hi <Recruiter Name>,
Thank you for your inquiry. I'm not interested at this time, but I'll keep <company name> in mind.
- mat

Mr. Billieu says that he always tries to keep the relationship good by writing the other person's name to help with future job hunting activities. However, it seems that a slightly complicated process is required to automate this.

The work of extracting the company name and the name of the person in charge from the other party's e-mail does not go well with simple text analysis, and errors tend to occur. Mr. Billieux used GPT-3 here, and it seems that he succeeded in successfully extracting the company name and the person in charge from different sentences for each person. Then, the company name and the name of the person in charge are extracted and incorporated into a fixed phrase prepared in advance and used as the text.

Billieux reports that he also built a script to read and send emails using IMAP and SMTP, and was able to send automatic replies to some emails. This script is published on GitHub.

GitHub - bi1yeu/recruiter_rm: A small utility to send personalized responses to recruiters

``Replying to emails has become a regular task, but if I receive four emails a week and it takes me two minutes to read and respond to each, I would automate this. By doing so, we can reduce about 7 hours of office work per year.'

in Software, Posted by log1p_kr