Official Danbooru, the learning source, releases a statement regarding the automatic illustration generation AI 'NovelAI'

Image generation AI such as Stable Diffusion and Midjourney performs learning on datasets consisting of large amounts of images. NovelAI, which has become a hot topic for its ability to generate high-precision two-dimensional illustrations, is said to include many images from the overseas two-dimensional image site Danbooru in its learned dataset. The official management team of Danbooru has released a statement regarding NovelAI.

Contact | Danbooru

Danbooru is a site where you can post and share 2D illustrations, and it is especially popular because it has many tags that indicate the content depicted in the illustrations and has excellent searchability. However, the problem is that many of the two-dimensional illustrations uploaded to Danbooru are reprints of works posted on SNS such as Pixiv and Twitter.

The management of Danbooru says, ``To request deletion of an image, please email [email protected]. Attach the URL of the relevant image on Danbooru and proof that you are the rightful owner of the image. We would appreciate it if you could do so.''He added that he would take action against unauthorized reprints.

Furthermore, Danbooru released the following statement regarding NovelAI, which uses Danbooru's images as a dataset.

First of all, we would like to make it clear that we are not affiliated with NovelAI and do not endorse or condone what they do.
The most efficient method for artists who do not want their drawings used by NovelAI is to contact NovelAI directly, delete their drawings from the company's learning data, and remove them when generating AI art. Requesting that users exclude their name or handle from the 'prompts' they enter.
At this point, NovelAI's training data is already complete, and due to the structure of the AI model, even if you delete a picture from Danbooru, the information learned from that picture will not disappear from NovelAI's hands. Please note that. please.

Even if a picture has never been posted on Danbooru, there is a high possibility that it will be collected by NovelAI etc. as soon as it is posted on Pixiv or Twitter.
In other words, we hope that you can consider that the pictures that NovelAI can collect from Danbooru can also be collected directly from Pixiv and Twitter.
In the first place, most AI art generation services such as NovelAI are based on Stable Diffusion, a software provided by, to create their own AI models.
Stable Diffusion itself was created by collecting 5 billion pictures from various sources on the Internet as training data.
This includes not only sites that artists often use, such as Twitter, Pixiv, ArtStation, and DeviantArt, but also Reddit, Pinterest, Facebook, Google Image Search, and countless others.
If the picture has been imported into Stable Diffusion, deleting it from Danbooru now will probably have little effect.

In other words, what artists should understand is that the AI model of the AI art generation service is learning not only from Danbooru but also from the Internet as a whole.
As long as the pictures are publicly available somewhere on the Internet, there is always a risk that they will be used as learning data.
There is no way to prevent it other than contacting the developer of the AI model.

Danbooru management introduces a site where you can check whether your work is being used for training image generation AI.

``Have I Been Trained?'' that allows you to search whether your work has been used without permission by image generation AI - GIGAZINE

In addition, it is possible to notify the AI developer by declaring that you do not want your picture to be used for AI learning and using the following service.


There are many posts on Twitter about what kind of illustrations can be generated with NovelAI.

There are many other models that use Danbooru images as datasets. There are various types of Stable Diffusion derived models, and the following article summarizes which models use what datasets for learning.

Summary of various specialized model data that can be used with image generation AI 'Stable Diffusion' - GIGAZINE

Additionally, NovelAI was originally an AI that automatically generated novels, and illustration generation is just one of its functions. The image generation part is based on Stable Diffusion, but it implements a unique algorithm. However, unlike Stable Diffusion, which was developed as open source and is also available to the public, NovelAI's source is not publicly available.

in Software,   Web Service,   Manga,   Anime,   Art,   , Posted by log1i_yk