'pornpen.ai' automatically generates nude images using a custom AI algorithm

The image generation AI ``Stable Diffusion'',

which was released for free on August 23, 2022 , is known to be blocked from generating erotic images. However, if you really want to generate erotic images, `` pornpen.ai '', which generates nude images using a custom AI algorithm, may be useful.

Due to the nature of this generator, a large number of naked images will be generated in the article, so please be careful when viewing it at work. Also, if you are under 18 years old, please enjoy the images generated by 'Stable Diffusion' .


When you access the site, a warning that it is an adult site is displayed, so adults click 'I accept'.

This will take you to the generator screen. Three sample images are already displayed. As you can see in the sample, what is generated is basically a 'nude image of a woman', and sometimes there are multiple women, but there are no entanglements with men. In addition, it is said that ``even if it looks like a celebrity, it is a product of chance''.

The generation conditions are displayed at the bottom. This selection state is the default when opened.

Base is a rough classification of the types of women that are generated, such as 'babe', 'model', 'miss universe model', 'milf', and 'celebrity'. ”, “lingerie model”, “athlete”, and “bodybuilder”. Multiple selection is not possible. It's a pretty rough classification; for example, someone may be an ``underwear model'' but is completely naked, or an ``athlete'' may be a body builder.

Tags are image attributes, and multiple selections are possible. 'busty', 'huge boobs', 'perfect boobs', 'small tits', 'beautiful', 'big ass', 'small ass' 'small butt', 'skinny', 'petite', 'thick', 'chubby', 'fat', 'short', 'tall', ' perfect body, short hair, long hair, blonde, brunette, ginger, asian, chinese There are ``Chinese'', ``white'', ``Indian'', ``black'', ``Latina'', ``Japanese'', and ``Korean''.

There are four styles of images: ``mirror selfie'', ``painting'', ``black and white'', and ``vintage''.

Settings are the locations where the images were taken: ``bedroom'', ``shower'', ``onsen'', ``forest'', and ``beach''.

If you actually set these four parameters and press 'Generate' you should be able to create your favorite pornographic image, but at the time of writing the article it was not possible to generate it because the server was under high load. Instead, you can search for pre-generated images .

The search page is below.


As with image generation, if you set each of the four parameters, the corresponding image will be displayed from the generated images. For example, if you set Base to 'Model', no tags, Style to 'mirror selfie', and Settings to 'bedroom', the following photos of women taking selfies in the bedroom mirror were mainly generated. . When you select a parameter, it is immediately reflected in the results.

Each image has its own page, so you can see what kind of parameters it has. As an example, this is one of the images displayed when accessing the site. The following information is given: 'perfect boobs,' 'babe,' 'busty,' 'painting,' 'skinny,' 'perfect body,' and 'korean.'

Below is an example of the generated image. A photo that looks like a profile photo of a model or actor.

A woman sits on a bed in her underwear. There are fewer images of people wearing something, whether it's underwear or swimsuits.

Monochrome swimsuit photo. I feel like my left hand on my waist is somehow being tricked.

Among the photos I checked this time, there was one photo that had particularly low exposure.

Sexy underwear.

An open pool. However, the depiction of the lower body is somewhat strange.

The woman who appeared in 'Athlete'.

Overall, I didn't understand why they were classified as 'athletes.'

If you're a 'body builder,' it looks like this, and there are many images of your abdominal muscles cracking or posing.

More muscle.

Basically, you can say that your abdominal muscles are torn.

Speaking of 'Miss Universe', you often see pictures of her wearing a sash, but this one is a little disappointing.

A sash that looks like it's hung on a necklace.

Nude photos in the forest

For some reason, I felt like I was being forced to stand up...

Old photo style.

It looks like an old movie star's bromide.

It's like I've seen it somewhere before.

There is a strange pattern on the left side of the image. It's red in some places, so it looks like it's trying to imitate a calendar.

This suggests that it was a letter rather than a pattern.

Although the images so far are relatively viewable, there are many cases where the depiction of the human body is not good. Please be more careful when reading from this point on .

An underwear model with three breasts. Such a woman appeared in the movie ``Total Recall'' directed by Paul Verhoeven...

Also a woman with three breasts. The central breast has no nipple.

When you look at the image from above, you can see her breasts, and I thought she was sitting facing me, but then her butt appeared. I have no idea what's going on with my legs either.

It seems that this type of image is likely to appear in 'beach', and the legs are not clearly visible below.

I don't know what's going on before I know what's going on...

A woman used a mirror to take a selfie of herself looking back from behind... but her shoulder blades were amazing.

This image may be a situation where ``a different woman than the one taking the selfie is reflected in the mirror''...

He's definitely the type of person who sees another person in the mirror.

It's a mystery what's going on in the first place...

In addition, the image that was generated was 'in a state where there are no humans'. It says 'miss universe model', 'perfect body', 'skinny', 'perfect boobs', 'mirror selfie' and 'busty', but can the AI see the image of a woman taking a selfie in the mirror? …….

A large mirror in the bedroom.

There is also a large mirror next to the bed. The design is unique and it even looks like it's floating.

Open shower room.

This looks like a rather narrow shower, but it's unclear where and how to close it.

A mysterious space where something like a shower is reflected in the mirror.

orthodox bedroom.

For some reason, birds.

Additionally, users have asked about the tag editing feature, and it has been revealed that it will be added in the next few days.

It is also clear that the author of 'pornpen.ai' has no intention of creating a 'male version' because training is difficult.

'glasses' has been added to the tag.

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in Review,   Web Service,     , Posted by logc_nt