Why on earth is a mysterious phenomenon being reported: ``When I change clothes in my room, my PC wakes up from sleep''?

A strange phenomenon was reported on Reddit, an overseas bulletin board, that ``If you change clothes in the room, the PC that was in sleep will return for some reason.'' Reddit users have reported one after another that they have encountered similar phenomena, and various hypotheses and countermeasures have been proposed.

Why does my PC wake from sleep when I change my clothes in the room? static? : pcmasterrace


Reddit user Major_Frozen reported the phenomenon that ``If you change clothes in the room, the PC that was in sleep will return for some reason.'' You can see the PC waking up from sleep by playing the short video embedded in the post below.

Major_Frozen violently shakes his clothes in front of a pitch-black PC in sleep mode.

Then, the light turned on even though I did not touch the PC or peripheral devices at all...

For some reason my PC woke up from sleep. This post has become a hot topic among Reddit users, and 3200 opinions and comments have been received at the time of writing.

Some Reddit users have reported experiencing a similar phenomenon themselves. One user wrote, ``A long time ago I worked on a system consisting of six full-sized equipment racks, and when I rolled one model of chair on the floor within 10 feet of the system, the system would reset. Ihad a lot of fun explaining this problem to senior design engineers.The final solution was to ban that model of chair from the room.'Masu .

Another user was troubleshooting an issue where ``a particular laptop suddenly shuts down while using it,'' and found that the bracelet he was wearing was slightly magnetic. ”Commented that there was a case where the sensor of the notebook PC that sensed it had reacted.

Users who saw these commentssaid they were reminded of a case in which a strange radio signal detected by a radio telescope in Australia was actually radio waves leaking from a microwave oven.

Also, there isa case of `` raising and lowering the electric blind causes the PC to return from the sleep state '' ...

Cases such as 'turning on the ceiling fan also turns on the PC' werereported .

Various hypotheses have also been submitted to explain the phenomenon Major_Frozen encountered.The hypothesis that 'the web camera may be reacting' or ...

There is alsoa hypothesis that 'the mouse is moving with a slight vibration'. However, Major_Frozen has already come up with the possibility that mouse vibration may have been the cause, and has turned off the setting to wake up from sleep by mouse movement, but this phenomenon still persists.

Another userjoked , ``I'll be naked when I change clothes. That's why I turned on the PC (I got excited).''

One userclaimed that this phenomenon is due to static electricity generated when putting on and taking off clothes, and said, ``Everyone says it's the mouse, but it's not the mouse that's causing this. It's the keyboard.'' A keyboard detects when a key is pressed by current flowing through its internal components, so if static electricity is generated nearby and the charge moves, voltage and current will be induced in the keyboard circuitry, causing a false detection that a key has been pressed. I developed the hypothesis that

in Hardware,   Science,   Video,   , Posted by log1h_ik