Sony faces 810 billion yen lawsuit, claiming PlayStation's 30% sales commission is too high

A British consumer advocacy group has sued Sony, the operator of the PlayStation platform, for charging too high a 30% commission on digital sales made through the PlayStation Store. The lawsuit was filed by Alex Neil, who is seeking damages of up to 5 billion pounds (about 810 billion yen).
Sony PlayStation being sued for £5bn amid claims it 'ripped off' nine million consumers | UK News | Sky News consumers
Sony Sued For $5.9 Billion Over 'Ripping Off' Playstation Fans
PlayStation has an official online store, PlayStation Store, and users need to use this PlayStation Store to purchase download versions of games and download content (DLC). The PlayStation Store imposes a sales commission of 30% of sales, and as a result, game publishers are forced to raise the prices of games and DLC. ``I defrauded people of a lot of money,'' Neil complains, saying that the 30% fee is borne by general consumers.
Mr. Neil has filed a complaint with the British Competition Court of Appeals, in which ``From August 19, 2016, all people in the UK who purchased digital games and DLC via the PlayStation Store are included in the claim, Potentially entitled to compensation.' This will include 9 million consumers, and they are seeking damages of up to 810 billion yen. In addition, if you participate in the class action lawsuit filed by Mr. Neil, the damages to be paid per person will be 67 to 562 pounds (about 11,000 to 91,000 yen).

'Through this class action lawsuit, we hope to defend the rights of millions of British people who have been unknowingly overcharged,' Neal said. , believes they have swindled their customers out of money.' 'Games are now the largest entertainment industry in the UK, ahead of TV, video and music. Many vulnerable people turn to gaming for community ties. Sony's actions put more pressure on our consumers' pockets than ever before.'
Law firm Milburg London is supporting Neal's lawsuit. According to Natasha Pearman, the attorney in charge of the lawsuit, the lawsuit is based on the Consumer Rights Act of 2015. In addition, the lawsuit is being funded by Woodsford, a specialized litigation and arbitration team that invests in large-scale commercial claims, and will not seek legal costs from the plaintiffs.
PlayStation is not the only company that collects 30% of sales as a sales commission. Steam, a PC game sales platform, has also been sued for a 30% sales commission violation of the Antimonopoly Act, but this lawsuit has been dismissed.
The complaint against Steam that ``the 30% fee is a violation of the antitrust law'' is dismissed-GIGAZINE

by Global Panorama
Also, the Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store have set a sales commission of '12%', which is much lower than Steam's 30%.
Microsoft Store announces ``Reduce sales commission for PC games from 30% to 12%,'' moving to destroy Steam's stronghold-GIGAZINE

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