Winamp's version 5.9 release candidate version is officially released after 4 years of development

Although it appeared in 1997 and was used by many users worldwide, Winamp's 'version 5.9 release candidate version', a media player whose official distribution ended in 2013, has been in development for more than 4 years. It was officially released later. It officially supports Windows 10 and Windows 11, which were not supported in version 5.66, the last official version released in 2013.
Winamp 5.9 ⚡️ is here !! – Winamp
Winamp 5.9 RC1 has been released - gHacks Tech News
Winamp 5.9 RC1 can be downloaded from the official website below.
Set the tone - Winamp
You can download the EXE format installer by scrolling down the official website and clicking 'Download' on the screen where 'Oldie but goldie' is displayed. The file size is about 10.8MB.

Start the downloaded 'winamp59_9999_rc1_full_en-us.exe'.

The installer will start, so click 'Next'.

The end user license agreement will be displayed, so click 'I Agree'.

After confirming the installation destination directory, click 'Next'.
I will do a full install this time. Click 'Next'.

Click 'Install'.

Click 'Finish' when the installation is complete.

The setup screen will be displayed when you start Winamp for the first time. First select the skin, so this time select 'Winamp Classic' and click 'Next'.

Click 'Finish'.

Winamp works very lightly and starts up quickly. The PC OS is Windows 10 Pro version 19044.1826. Version 5.666 released in the AOL era was not officially supported because Windows 10 was not released, but this time Winamp 5.9 RC1 officially supports Windows 10 and Windows 11. Also, the minimum requirement is 'Windows 7 SP1', and support for Windows XP and Windows Vista has ended. In addition, support for VP8 and `` https:// ~ '' stream URLs, and improved playback of ``.itz'', ``.mdz'', ``.s3z'', ``.xmz'', etc.

It can also read skin files with the .wsz extension that were used in past versions. Below is the Windows 98 window-like skin '

Winamp is a media player developed by Justin Frankel of Nullsoft in 1997. Because it adopted a plug-in system, its high scalability was its selling point, and it was also supported by Internet radio, so it was supported by many users. However, Nullsoft's parent company, AOL, ended the distribution of Winamp in December 2013 and closed the official website. The last official version released by AOL was version 5.666.
Music player software 'Winamp' to close official website, download impossible - GIGAZINE

The Winamp business was acquired by Radionomy and continued development as Winamp SA under Radionomy, but in 2018 the beta version of version 5.8.3660 was unofficially leaked. Therefore, Winamp SA hastily released the official version 5.8.3660. After that, development of Winamp continued, and it was suddenly announced that Winamp beta test would start in 2021.
A long-established media player 'Winamp' is looking for beta testers with a renewed project - GIGAZINE

'Version 5.9 is the culmination of four years of work since the release of version 5.8,' said Winamp SA. Originally scheduled to be released in 2019, it was delayed by 3 years because the development environment was moved from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2019, and development was delayed due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. I think it's because it was discontinued.
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