Google announces re-postponement of plans to remove third-party cookies from Chrome until 2024

Chrome, Google's web browser, is planning to phase out the use of third-party cookies. Initially, it was planned that third-party cookies would not be available in 2022, but this was postponed once and postponed until the end of 2023. However, Google has announced that it will postpone the abolition of third-party cookies again.
Expanding testing for the Privacy Sandbox for the Web
In January 2020, Justin Schuh, the developer of Chrome-based web browser engine Chromium , announced a policy to remove support for third-party cookies by 2022. Schuh said, 'We've seen that the'discontinue support for third-party cookies' approach meets the needs of users, (advertising) publishers, and advertisers, and after taking the next steps, we support third-party cookies in Chrome. Will be phased out. '
Chrome plans to discontinue support for third-party cookies within two years-GIGAZINE

However, in June 2021, Google announced that it would postpone the abolition of third-party cookies until the end of 2023. One of the reasons why the abolition of third-party cookies has been postponed is that the ' privacy sandbox ', an attempt to deliver conventional advertisements while protecting privacy, which is an alternative to third-party cookies, has not been put in place as expected. I have had it.
Abolition of third-party cookies on Google Chrome has been postponed-GIGAZINE

Meanwhile, on July 27, 2022 local time, Google announced in its blog that it would postpone the abolition of third-party cookies again. 'It is essential for the future of the open web to improve people's privacy while providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed online,' said Anthony Chavez, vice president of privacy sandboxing. That's why Google has launched a privacy sandbox initiative in collaboration with various parties over the past few months as a privacy-protected alternative to third-party cookies and other forms of cross-site tracking technology. We have also released a number of privacy sandbox-related API trials on Chrome for you to test. Throughout this process, developers, ad publishers, marketers, and regulators through forums such as the W3C. Based on his opinion, Google worked to improve its privacy sandbox design proposal and finally reached an agreement with the British Competitive Markets Authority (CMA) in early 2022. '
Google said in its privacy sandbox feedback that it 'received the most' was 'more time to evaluate and test new privacy sandbox technology before discontinuing third-party cookies in Chrome. I need it. ' This feedback is in line with CMA's commitment to 'privacy sandboxes provide technology that effectively protects privacy and give the industry enough time to adopt these new solutions.' 'This deliberate approach to migrating from third-party cookies will allow the web to continue to thrive without resorting to techniques such as cross-site tracking identifiers and fingerprints,' said Chavez. ..
In response, Google announced that it will extend the test window for privacy sandbox-related APIs before disabling third-party cookies in Chrome. Developers can already test related APIs, but from early August 2022 the privacy sandbox trial has expanded to millions of users worldwide, and by 2023 the number of users participating in the trial. Will gradually increase. 'While the web community is testing the API, we will continue to listen to and respond to feedback,' said Chavez.
Until the third quarter of 2023 (July-September), privacy sandbox-related APIs will be gradually released and will be generally available on Chrome. After confirming that the developers have adopted the privacy sandbox related API, Google plans to start phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome in the second half of 2024.
The privacy sandbox development timeline and milestones can be found on the official website.
In addition, Google lists the following as things that will be gradually introduced as privacy sandbox related APIs.
・First-Party Sets
-Reducing the amount of User-Agent information
· Storage partitioning
Other developer documentation and support has been set up, as well as other efforts to provide and share feedback .
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in Software, Posted by logu_ii