Egyptian authorities announce warning of unauthorized injection 'Hitler Shot'

Egyptian health officials have warned against the use of illegal medicines following the increasing use of unlicensed medicines in Egypt due to the effects of the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

Egyptian authorities issue urgent warning against'Hitler Shot'--Egypt Independent

Egypt warns against unauthorised'Hitler' flu shot

In some parts of Egypt, in order to improve the symptoms of colds, a mixture of antibiotics, painkillers, and cortisone, which has an anti-allergic effect, has been injected for a long time, commonly known as 'Hitler Shot'.

It is reported that this injection is given without proper prescription by a doctor, and its use is increasing with the expansion of COVID-19. However, doctors point out that the injection is especially dangerous for patients with allergies and chest problems, and abuse of cortisone can reduce the patient's immune response and be life-threatening. In fact, it is said that a fatal accident due to Hitler shot has also been confirmed.

Hosam Hosni, president of the COVID-19 Countermeasure Science Committee, accused Hitler Shot of being 'unacceptably unreasonable.' Egyptian health officials warned that 'people should not take medicine without a doctor's prescription.'

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