'Vaccine patch' of new coronavirus shows effectiveness in animal experiments

As the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is rampant, the development of a vaccination method that does not make patients feel pain is underway, and this time Australian researchers will attach it to the skin and deliver the vaccine to the body. He reported that he had completed the 'vaccine patch' experiment with mice.
Complete protection by a single-dose skin patch–delivered SARS-CoV-2 spike vaccine

Needle-Free Vaccine Patches Are Just a Matter of Time Now, Latest Results Indicate
The vaccine patches used by Christopher McMillan and colleagues at the University of Queensland include the following, developed by Vaxxas. On the surface of a 1 cm square patch, 5000 protrusions with a length of 250 micrometers are spread. The vaccine applied to the surface is sent into the body by applying the patch to the skin.

When McMillan et al. Conducted a control experiment using this patch and a syringe in mice, the patch exceeded the syringe in terms of the amount of neutralizing antibody produced, and it was found that the patch was more effective. ..
This may be due to the fact that the muscle tissue that is normally vaccinated with the new coronavirus vaccine does not contain many immune cells that respond to the drug. It is possible that the swelling caused local destruction of skin cells, which strengthened the body's immune response. '
McMillan et al. Pointed out that the patch used this time has an advantage in terms of logistics. Moderna and Pfizer vaccines stabilize at room temperature for a few hours, but this patch will stabilize at 40 degrees for a week and at 25 degrees for at least 30 days. This is a huge advantage, especially for developing countries with poor storage facilities, McMillan and colleagues say.

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in Science, Posted by log1p_kr