Survey results show that more than half of job seekers place more importance on 'employer and corporate values' than wages and benefits

When a job seeker looks for a job, he / she looks for a company that meets his / her desired conditions based on various perspectives such as wages and benefits. A recent survey of job seekers has revealed that more than half of job seekers place more importance on 'whether corporate values match their own values' rather than wages and benefits. ..

Most workers want their employer to share their values

What conditions to prioritize when choosing a place of employment varies from person to person, but multiple surveys have revealed that more and more people value 'employers and corporate values.' ..

For example, in a survey conducted by business management software developer Qualtrics, 54% of American workers said, 'If you can work in a workplace where you can share values with your employer, you can accept a reduction in wages.' did. In addition, it turns out that 56% of workers 'do not even consider working for a company with different values'.

Furthermore, according to a survey of the employment support service ' ZipRecruiter ', new graduates seeking employment asked 'whether diversity is respected in the workplace' and 'is there sufficient learning opportunities' rather than 'welfare benefits such as vacations and health insurance'. It is also clear that we will emphasize it. In addition, Cindy Love, the secretary general of ' Out for Undergrad ', an organization that supports sexual minority people to find employment, said, 'Especially for young people who want to get a job,' people who have traditionally been hindered from social advancement 'are in the workplace. It is important to be treated by. '

'A good company is one that listens to many of the workers' opinions. Companies don't always agree with them, but workers get their opinions heard,' said Paul Wolff, a human resources adviser. 'I hope that the HR manager sets clear goals for the job, rather than focusing on checks such as' the time the worker was at the desk 'and' the number of outside calls per day. ' Is important, 'he said, arguing that it is necessary to change the mindset of companies that hire job seekers.

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf