It turns out that 'expressing love in a way that makes a partner happy' is related to the relationship and sexual satisfaction of the couple
Many people understand that it is important to tell the other person that they 'love' in order to maintain a relationship with a partner who is in a romantic relationship. A new paper published by Polish and American research teams showed that 'the more people convey love in the way their partners want, the more likely they are to be happy with the couple's relationship.'
I love the way you love me: Responding to partner's love language preferences boosts satisfaction in romantic heterosexual couples | PLOS ONE
New evidence suggests love languages are impo | Eurek Alert!
Know Your Partner's Love Language? One Study Suggests It Could Make a Big Difference
Gary Chapman , author and host of the radio talk show, proposed five ways to convey love to a partner in his book The Five Love Languages. The five methods, also known as the 'language of love,' are 'to say the words that swear love,' 'to spend a fulfilling time together,' 'to give gifts,' 'to do something,' and 'to the body.' 'To touch,' Chapman said, and each person has a different language of love for the other person.
Although the concept of the language of love is widely known, there is not enough research on the effects of the language of love on romantic relationships. Therefore, a research team led by Olha Mostova, who is enrolled in the doctoral program at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw, Poland, conducted a survey of 100 couples.
All of the couples surveyed were heterosexual, ranging in age from 17 to 58 years and dating from 6 months to 24 years. In the survey, we asked 'what is the' language of love 'that I want' and 'what is the' language of love 'when communicating love to the other person', and how much the language of love between couples matches the other person's wishes. Analyze whether it is or is out of alignment. We also evaluated the degree of satisfaction with the couple's relationship and the degree of sexual satisfaction.
Analysis revealed that those who have a partner who uses their favorite language of love tend to be more satisfied with their couple's relationships and sexual activity. This result was seen in both men and women, and it was also found that women are more likely to ask for 'speaking words to swear love' and 'spend a fulfilling time together'.
'Our findings suggest that people who are more in tune with each other's tastes for the language of love are more satisfied with their relationship and sexual life as a couple,' the research team said. He argues that matching the language of love can help improve the quality of relationships.
In addition, the results of this research show the correlation between the language of love and satisfaction, and do not show that 'the use of the language of love improved satisfaction', scientific media. Science Alert points out.
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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik