Survey results announced how many people are backing up every day, the percentage of data loss experience is also clarified

The 2022 Backup Survey: 54% Report Data Loss With Only 10% Backing Up Daily
The 2022 survey was conducted online in 2068 adults aged 18 and over in the United States, of whom 1861 were measured as PC owners. First, 'Comparing the 2022 backup status with the same 2021 data shows little change,' says Backblaze. According to Backblaze, the number of people who back up is increasing by 1% every year, but the same percentage of people who 'stop backing up' is also measured, and the total is almost flat. As a result, the number of 'people who have never backed up' is decreasing, but Backblaze says that about 20% of people are still at risk of losing all their data in the event of a PC failure or loss. I have a problem.

Backblaze provides a more detailed 'user percentage by frequency of backup' data in a table. According to the table, 'daily backups' decreased from 11% in 2021 to 10% in 2022, while 'annual backups' decreased from 25% to 26%. It is rising. Therefore, it can be seen that the percentage of people who use backups at 80% and the percentage of people who do not back up at all is 20%, which has not changed at all between 2021 and 2022. In addition, since the subject of the survey here is limited to the owner of the PC, 'people who do not use the PC' are not included in 'people who do not back up at all'.

Backblaze also compared the 2008 data, which began the backup utilization survey, with the 2022 data, and positively stated that the percentage of 'people who do not back up at all' shown in red has decreased significantly. I'm evaluating it.

For 'people who have backed up at least once', Backblaze also shows the following aggregates:
80% backed up all the data on the computer at least once.
• Of those who have backed up all the data on their computer, 41% back it up completely at least once a month.
• 57% of those who have backed up use a 'cloud-based' system.
・ 12% of all PC owners use cloud backup services such as Backblaze.
· 52% of cloud service users say, 'The service automatically backs up all the data on your computer.'
・ Twenty-five percent of cloud service users say, 'We will back up only the selected data without any restrictions.'
・ 9% of cloud service users answered, 'We will back up only the selected data, including some conditions and restrictions.'
・ 3% is positioned as 'Other', and the details of 10% are unknown.
Backblaze further emphasizes the importance of backup by presenting an investigation into data disasters. According to this survey, 67% of Americans have accidentally deleted data and 54% said they lost it. In addition, 48% have experienced external HDD crashes, 21% of which occurred in 2021, so even people who are conscious of backup may encounter data disasters, so it is cloud-based. Backblaze recommends backing up at the same time.
The 2022 survey was conducted online in 2068 adults aged 18 and over in the United States, of whom 1861 were measured as PC owners.
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in Security, Posted by log1e_dh