Statistical data of HDD failure rate by manufacturer and model 2021 version, what was the highest failure rate?

Backblaze , a cloud storage service provider, has released the 2021 version of data that summarizes the failure rates of more than 200,000 HDDs used in its data centers.

Backblaze Drive Stats for 2021

Backblaze added 40,460 new HDDs in 2021 alone, and as of December 31, 2021, it managed a total of 206,928 HDDs. Backblaze calculated the failure rate of HDDs, focusing on a total of 202,759 data drives, excluding those used as boot drives and those used for testing.

This is the HDD failure rate by model from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. There are 24 HDD models in operation, and the overall annual failure rate (AFR) was 1.01%.

Seagate's 6TB model 'ST6000DX000' boasts the lowest annual failure rate of all models, with an annual failure rate of only 0.11%. Backblaze points out that this result is particularly striking given that the ST6000DX000's Avg.Age is the longest of all models, 80.85 months. In addition, 'ST6000DX000' is the HDD with the lowest AFR among all models in

the HDD failure rate statistics in 2020.

On the other hand, Seagate's 14TB model 'ST14000NM0138' has the highest annual failure rate, with an annual failure rate of 4.79%. Not only Backblaze but also Seagate and Dell were worried about the fact that 'ST14000NM0138' breaks more frequently than expected, and the failed HDD was investigated by experts, and the third quarter of 2021 A firmware update has been made to. As a result, the failure rate in the third quarter of 2021 was 6.29%, while the failure rate in the fourth quarter dropped to 4.66%.

Looking at the new models released in 2021, Toshiba's 16TB model 'MG08ACA16TE' and WDC's 16TB model 'WUH721816ALE6L0' both have a short average number of working days, but their AFR is below 1.01%. Backblaze commented, 'Both new models in 2021 are doing well.'

Also, this is a list of HDD failure rate statistics for 2019, 2020, and 2021. The annual failure rate is 1.89% in 2019, 0.93% in 2020, 1.01% in 2021, and it can be seen that the annual failure rate has dropped significantly from 2019.

This is a graph comparing HDD failure rates by manufacturer. Seagate (green) and Toshiba (blue) are relatively volatile, while HGST appears to be stable at low levels.

Looking at the table below, which compares HDD failure rates by storage capacity, we can see that the failure rate tends to be low for large-capacity HDDs over 12TB. 69% of all HDDs are 12TB or more, accounting for 66% of the total number of working days, while only 57% of all HDD failures.

In addition, this is a graph that classifies the types of models operated by Backblaze by manufacturer. In 2021, there are 6 types of HGST (blue), 11 types of Seagate (green), 5 types of Toshiba (red), and 2 types of WDC (black).

Looking at the graph above, it seems that Seagate models are increasing as a whole, but if you look at the graph below, which shows the ratio of HDDs to the whole by manufacturer, the difference between the four manufacturers narrows over time. You can see that it is. In particular, the percentage of Seagate HDDs, which exceeded 70% of the total in 2019, dropped to 50.13% in the fourth quarter of 2021 and instead was only 1.31% in the first quarter of 2019. The percentage of Toshiba HDDs has risen to 23.24% in the fourth quarter of 2021. Regarding the reason for distributing HDDs to multiple manufacturers, Backblaze said, 'To increase flexibility as well as to increase the number of models. It is necessary for us to have relationships with all major HDD vendors. It gives us the opportunity to get valuable resources in a timely manner. '

The following is the annual failure rate calculated for the period from April 20, 2013 to December 31, 2021 for all HDD models in production as of December 31, 2021. The item 'Confidence Interval' on the right side of the graph shows that the smaller the 'Low' and 'High' values, the higher the reliability of the annual failure rate.

The dataset used for this report can be downloaded from the following page.

Backblaze Hard Drive Stats

in Hardware, Posted by log1h_ik