Why is there no 'Nankyokukuma' in Antarctica?

The most famous creature in the Arctic is the
Why aren't there polar bears in Antarctica? | Live Science
Polar bears are widely distributed in the Arctic, such as Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia, and their fur is optimized for extreme cold temperatures below -30 degrees Celsius. The staple food is seals such as ringed seals and bearded seals , which spend most of their lives on ice.

Considering the above ecology, the elements necessary for polar bears to live are 'low temperature', 'drift ice', and 'seals', all of which also exist in Antarctica. However, Antarctica is not inhabited by bears.
In this regard, Professor De Roche of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada, explains, 'Bear does not live in the Southern Hemisphere, except for the

In response to the question, 'If polar bears go to Antarctica, can they survive?', Professor De Roche replied, 'It would be rather fun to do.' Antarctica is rich in seals and penguins that polar bears often feed on, and since there have been no predators for seals and penguins for a long time, it is thought that they are less cautious about polar bears. Professor De Roche says that if polar bears come to Antarctica from such a situation, the polar bears would be like an all-you-can-eat restaurant, rather they would eat too much and the ecosystem would collapse.
Polar bears are often referred to as 'the world's largest terrestrial animals,' but in reality they spend most of their lives on drift ice and only rise to land at the time of breeding, so they are called 'terrestrials.' Is said to have a bad word.
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in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log