Switching meat to cultured or synthetic meat can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80%

While numerous studies are being conducted as a measure against climate change, it has become clear
Incorporation of novel foods in European diets can reduce global warming potential, water use and land use by over 80% | Nature Food
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The process from food production to consumption involves the process of emitting carbon dioxide, such as the use of agricultural machinery, the spraying of fertilizer, and the transportation of food. In particular, it is known that a large amount of carbon dioxide is emitted when producing meat such as beef, pork, and chicken, and new breeding methods are being developed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and proteins that can replace meat are used. The spread of sources is needed.
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As a protein source that can replace meat, insects, plant-derived synthetic meat, and cultured meat have become a hot topic, and even in Japan, an environment where you can easily enjoy plant-derived meat is beginning to be established at fast food stores. Estimates made by the research team have shown that replacing animal foods such as meat and milk with alternative foods such as those mentioned above can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80%.

In addition, even if 80% of animal foods are replaced with alternative foods, it is possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 75%. Rachel Mazak , the representative of the research team, cites the following menus as a daily menu to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Morning: Shake of insect-derived protein powder dissolved in milk extracted from cultured cells
Noon: Cultured meat hamburger
Night: A synthetic meat burrito composed of fungal-derived proteins
In addition, this calculation also shows that carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by 60% simply by reducing meat consumption without switching to alternative foods.
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