Global smartphone shipments fell 11% in the first quarter of 2022, Samsung rose from 22% to 24%, Apple rose from 15% to 18%, Xiaomi dropped from 14% to 13%

Canalys, an IT market research firm, has announced its smartphone market share ranking for the first quarter of 2022. It is shown that Samsung and Apple, which are in 1st and 2nd place, have steadily expanded their share, while those in 3rd place and below have a declining share.
Canalys Newsroom --Canalys: Global smartphone shipments fall 11% due to adverse headwinds
Below is the smartphone market share ranking announced by Canalys. Each item is 'Vender (company name)' 'Q1 2021 market share (market share in the first quarter of 2021)' 'Q1 2022 market share (market share in the first quarter of 2022)' in order from the left, 1 The share rate of the previous year is also shown. In the year from the first quarter of 2021 to the first quarter of 2022, Samsung's share increased from 22% to 24% and Apple's share increased from 15% to 18%. In contrast, Xiaomi decreased from 14% to 13%, OPPO decreased from 11% to 10%, and vivo decreased from 10% to 8%.

For Samsung, which continues to be number one, Canalys will renew its lineup in 2022, including the flagship model Galaxy S22 series, while increasing production of the popular Galaxy A series to compete in the mid- and low-priced range. Analyzing that the increase in the price led to a favorable performance, he mentioned that the iPhone SE announced in March 2022 has become a driving force in the mid-price range for the second-placed Apple. Regarding the fact that the 3rd to 5th place Chinese manufacturers have reduced their market share across the board, they point out the problem that low-priced chips are in supply difficulty and the problem that the slowdown of the Chinese market has hindered global expansion. increase.
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Canalys summed up, 'Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the lockdown that continues in China, and the accelerating inflation in each country make it difficult for smartphone makers to make future predictions, and it is known that it will fall into a slump every year. The slump in the quarter has been spurred on. ' The good news is that the semiconductor shortage may be resolved sooner than expected.
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