Life record of people living in Shanghai, where lockdown continues for two weeks

A Dutchman living in Shanghai, who has been subject to strict restrictions on going out due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), explains in detail his 'current situation in Shanghai'.
Shanghai's stunning fall from grace --Jap Grolleman
On March 28, 2022, China's largest economic city, Shanghai, entered a de facto lockdown following the COVID-19 epidemic. This lockdown imposes restrictions on going out in each district, and residents are prohibited from going out in principle within the restricted areas. It was a thorough content that public transportation was also stopped.
However, despite these strict measures, new COVID-19 infections set a new record for three consecutive days from April 1st to 3rd in Shanghai. The situation continued, such as the spread of the infection could not be stopped.
Restriction on going out to Shanghai is also the highest number ever for infected people for 3 consecutive days PCR test is conducted for all citizens | NHK | New coronavirus
About this whirlpool of Shanghai, Dutchman Yap Grollman, who actually lives in Shanghai, where he is restricted from going out, has published a blog post about the current situation in Shanghai.
The beginning of this article, dubbed 'The Brilliant Fall of Shanghai,' praises Shanghai. For Mr. Grollman, who has only visited Mumbai, India in Asia, Shanghai, which he visited in 2017, is clean and tidy, with a coin laundry payment service using a smartphone and a car sharing service, 30 minutes. It was one of the most illustrious cities in China, which had been growing rapidly for 40 years, including food delivery that arrived within.

'I lost this good impression,' says Grollman, who is restricting going out this time. Friedman is on the 9th day of going out restrictions, but he only goes out when he has undergone four PCR tests and when he carries the water that has been delivered to him. For the PCR test, a temporary clinic is set up in front of the condominium as shown in the image below, and 20 cotton swabs used for sample collection are put together on a judgment machine, and if even one of them gives a positive reaction, a detailed test is performed. A mechanism to implement ...

Although the city regularly distributes food, only a few vegetables actually arrived in 9 days. The food that actually arrived from the city is as follows.

Of course, due to lack of food, Mr. Grollman seems to be waiting for the timing to monitor and order the food delivery service application all day long. The following are the fresh fish brought in by the food delivery service, and according to Mr. Grollman, 'If you are very lucky to stick all day long, chances will come for a moment.'

In fact, while the outing restriction period is prolonged, Mr. Grollman is short of printer ink, cooking oil, diapers, sanitary goods, toilet paper, etc. used for printing children's homework, and some of his acquaintances have been acquainted for more than a month. Some people say that they are still restricted from going out, some people say they have run out of medicine, some people only have instant ramen food, and some people are forced to wash their clothes by hand because they have run out of washing machine detergent.
The view from Mr. Grollman's home looks like this. The front side of the apartment has been positive, so the entrance to the apartment itself is closed. In the park in the courtyard located in the center of each apartment, people in protective clothing who are tasked with releasing the blockage in the event of a fire or emergency are waiting all day long.
Mr. Grollman says, 'I just want to go out for a walk or play sports,' but everyone wants to go out in the same way. At night, open the window and chat with your neighbors. There seems to be. However, since it is time for mosquitoes to appear soon, he said, 'I may have to stop it.'

Fortunately, Mr. Grollman is a teleworkable occupation, so he can continue to work even under restrictions on going out, but Mr. Grollman said, 'The balance of the bank account becomes zero or my business goes bankrupt. There are many people out there. '
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