European Parliament adopts proposal to improve 'right to repair', aiming to improve product repair availability & extend life
The European
Right to repair: MEPs want more durable and more easily repairable products | News | European Parliament
EU votes to back Right to Repair proposals | AppleInsider
EU Right to Repair resolution heads to plenary vote • The Register
The EU Parliament is One-Step Closer to making the'Right to Repair' Law and forcing companies like Apple to comply --Patently Apple apple-to-comply.html
When the European Parliament voted to adopt a new proposal for a 'right to repair' scheduled for late 2022, it resulted in 509 votes in favor, 3 votes against and 13 abstentions. This new proposal 'to make the'right to repair'more effective, corresponds to the product life cycle, and the consumer information is labeled with product design, ethical production, standardization, and repairability. It should be included, and public procurement should be taken into consideration. ' 'The adoption of new proposals for the right to repair should accelerate the flow of more efficient use of resources, reduce waste and extend the life of each product,' the European Parliament said.
The European Parliament hopes that the product will last longer, be safer to repair, and the parts will be designed for easy removal. A new proposal for that purpose was adopted by the European Parliament with the majority in favor of this vote. The European Parliament argues that digital devices 'software updates should be reversible and should not lead to poor performance of smartphones, for example. Updates will be provided for a minimum period of time. It should be, and consumers should be fully informed about the availability of updates at the time of purchase. '
Practices that violate or unreasonably limit the above allegations may be prohibited under EU law as 'unfair business practices'.
In addition, the European Parliament requires the following five points regarding the 'right to repair'.
• Incentives for consumers to choose repair over device replacement, such as extended warranty or receipt of replacement device during repair period
-Unified rules for information that consumers will receive at the point of sale, such as repair scores, estimated lifespan, spare parts, repair services, and availability of software updates.
・ Addition of smart labeling such as QR code and digital product passport
・ Possibility of joint responsibility mechanism between manufacturer and distributor for product nonconformity
-Durability and repair requirements included in future eco-design directives
The European Parliament has been working for more than a decade to improve consumers' 'right to repair'. It
In addition, the European Parliament argued that 'the right to repair is also positioned as an important step in achieving the Circular Economy Program within the framework of the European Green Deal .' It has submitted a proposal to amend the Merchandise Sales Directive in the third quarter of 2022, and has announced that it is considering another legislation regarding the right to repair.
According to the Eurobarometer, a poll led by the European Commission, 79% of EU citizens believe that 'manufacturers need to facilitate the repair of digital devices and the replacement of individual parts', 77%. It is clear that they want to 'repair rather than buy a new device'.
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