The 2022 edition of the World Happiness Ranking is released, and people all over the world awaken to 'a heart to be kind to people' due to the corona disaster

The 2022 edition of the
The World Happiness Report
World Happiness Report published to mark International Day of Happiness | Saïd Business School
The World Happiness Report has been published annually since 2012 by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a non-profit organization that provides social support from people living in more than 150 countries and territories. Self-evaluation values such as fulfillment and freedom of life are aggregated, and 'total happiness', 'gross domestic product per capita', 'healthy life expectancy', 'social support', 'freedom of life choice', 'others' We quantify 'tolerance to people' and 'reliability in the country (to the extent that we feel corruption)'.
The overall happiness ranking reported in the 2022 edition of the World Happiness Report looks like this. Finland is 1st, followed by 2nd: Denmark, 3rd: Iceland, 4th: Switzerland, 5th: Netherlands, 6th: Luxembourg, 7th: Sweden, 8th: Norway and the top 8 countries in Europe. The country is monopolized. The World Happiness Report speculates that the reason why European countries are ranked high is that 'the balance between work and life is good' and 'education and medical care are provided free of charge'. increase.

Japan ranked 54th after Hungary, Mauritius and Uzbekistan.

At the bottom was Afghanistan, where the Taliban's seizure of government was widely reported in 2021. This data was collected before Russia's invasion of Ukraine began.

According to the World Happiness Report, in 2022, self-assessment of tolerance items such as 'donate for legitimate purposes,' 'help strangers,' and 'volunteer' will improve in countries around the world. , The score increased by 25% on average compared to before the pandemic. However, if you look at the itemized results for Japan, you can see that the bar showing the tolerance value (the dark red bar between the yellow and pink bars) is significantly shorter than in other countries. However, it should be noted that the World Happiness Report survey is based on self-assessment, and this result does not mean that the Japanese are less tolerant.

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