Two years in prison if I work more than 52 hours a week, Korea's attempt to make all the people happy
by Myung-Won Seo
South Korea, in which the degree of happiness of citizens has dramatically declined over the past few years, is trying to make various attempts to restore happiness by restricting wages, working hours, childcare leave, childcare allowance support I will. However, there is also a doubt that such "such as" legislation about the happiness of the people by the nation "is made. In Korea as an example, BBC discusses top-down type "happiness".
BBC - Capital - The country trying to make all its people happier
In 2018, the 2018 version of the " World Happiness Report " was announced and it was reported that Japan is the 54th lowest ranking among the G7 who dropped the ranking 3 from the previous year. At this time, Korea was ranked lower than Japan. Moreover, that South Korea is ranked the 16 is also reduced in the past five years, the happiness plunged countries has become . It is said that "the country where serious economic difficulties and wounds of civil war can not be healed" is the reason why the rank has dropped by more than 16 levels in the past five years other than Korea.
One of the reasons for poor happiness in Korea is pointed out as "long working hours". According to the OECD survey , 20% of people in Korea have worked more than 50 hours a week, and average employees acquire only half of paid allowances. It is believed that stress increases by overwork, raising the public's suicide rate, and also affecting the declining birthrate.
In order to overcome such a situation, South Korea is also working on problem solving from a policy standpoint.
by Derek Thomson
There are various elements besides the psychology of people, the degree of happiness of the people. The United Nations and the OECD have announced an annual report that examines the happiness of countries around the world, but both are based on a combination of both social indicators and economic indicators. We measure happiness by combining objective elements such as per capita GDP, average life expectancy, educational standards and corruption and what psychologists call "Subjective Well-Being (Subjective Happiness / SWT)".
At this time, I also know that the high standard of living standards does not necessarily lead to an increase in subjective happiness. Some Korean people use toilets that can be operated remotely by taking a BMW but they have never exceeded the "average of satisfaction with life" calculated by OECD since 2013.
At the conference held at the beginning of the year of 2018, President Hugo Taghtaru "The per capita national income in Korea will reach 30,000 dollars (about 3.3 million yen), but this number is not important.The important thing is that 330 It is to guarantee that people can enjoy the quality of life equivalent to ten thousand yen in a true sense. " And in order to raise the satisfaction level of the people's lives, Korea limited the maximum working hours per week from 68 hours to 52 hours. This is not just a "proposal", it is important that employers who did not observe the law have penalties of up to two years imprisonment. This law initially covers large corporations with 300 or more employees and to small and medium enterprises from 2020 to 2021. South Korea enforces the amendment law to shorten working hours Within 52 hours a week
In addition, the Korean government has expanded the "National Happiness Fund" that sets dramatic increases in minimum wage, childcare leave, childcare allowance, low cost of mental health care, pension increase, citizen's personal debt reduction, etc. , Ordered a number of support.
Doubling in Korea's minimum wage to 835 yen in 10 years, approaching Japan: Asahi Shimbun Digital
In theory, it is said that the whole country can receive profits by improving the quality of life with the above policy. If people working at low wages got enough money, a desire for various services and products was born, the leisure industry was moisturized by the free time the citizen gained, the suicide rate decreased, the sense of well-being People who have increased will have children.
However, the subjective degree of happiness is influenced by various factors. Shun Wang, a Korean development researcher who is one person who creates the United Nations World Wellness Report, said, "Policy makers must be guided by happy economics studies." "Happiness economists tell you how people's level of happiness goes up and down depending on the type of policy."
For example, in previous studies, we know that the unemployment rate has a major impact on the happiness of the people. At the time of the Lehman shock in 2008, the degree of happiness was relatively stable as the Korean government focused on job creation, but the European countries such as Greece and Spain were greatly affected.
Korea is not the only country trying to pursue the happiness of the people. The UK records records on domestic well-beings from 2012 and uses that data for health care and policy decisions. The United Arab Emirates also appointed "Happiness Minister" in 2016. United Arab Emirates, First Birth of "Happiness Minister" - (1/2)
United Arab Emirates: Women are appointed for "Happiness" "Minister in charge of youth" - Mainichi Newspapers
The measures launched by the Korean government are much more concrete than the above mentioned initiatives and are ideas specializing in Korean issues. However, concerns are rising that unemployed people increase due to wage increase and companies that do not pay overtime pay due to cost cuts increase.
It is expected that similar impacts will also be caused by shortening working hours per week. In Korea, the form of working nonstop to make it in time for deadline has been standardized, "Reducing working hours without reducing workload" may mean that employees may be chased further about. As of 2012, it is already announced that 40% of workers in Korea have not received overtime pay.
Also, Mr. Eunkook M. Suh of Happiness & Cultural Psychology Lab. Of Yonsei University differs in interpretation of happiness by culture, and in individual culture like British and American, each one has its own definition of happiness Despite being able to do, we explain that happiness tends to have a social element in "a country that emphasizes community rather than individuals" like Korea. "In other words," Subjectivity to my life "is not important," How to be evaluated by others "becomes important," Suh said.
In this case, in order to prove to the world that "your life is worthy of happiness", you will need university diplomas, luxury cars, big houses and so on. However, in Korea, some people graduate from college or become civil servants are part, so it is only a handful of citizens that can realize happiness.
by Gabriel
President Roh is using all his paid holidays to lead the people. On the contrary, some experts point out that giving citizens free time is only half the problem. It is because citizens are becoming important "what they do" in free time.
However, Song-dae Cha says that he has worked for a company that already has a 40 hour labor system per week and has paid all 15 years, he says, "My work-life balance is very good". "We are also aware that there are people who are angry about the fact that work-life balance is legalized by the country," while saying, "If such a change is born from the business community, people will immediately We will adapt, "Cha says. Although the policy of the government does not fit all companies, the direction that the country aims for is not wrong and I said positive opinion "I will improve a lot in the future".
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