An indie game developer added an anti-masked view to a patch note and it was on fire

Indie game developer
Indie gladiator game faces Steam review backlash over anti-mask patch notes | PC Gamer
PC Game Review Bombed After Patch Notes Include Anti-Mask Rant
'DOMINA' is a simulation game that trains gladiators who fought in the Coliseum during the ancient Roman era, and the selling price on Steam is 1010 yen including tax. You can see what DOMINA is like by looking at the official trailer below.
Domina --Release Trailer --YouTube
This DOMINA released a patch note for version 1.3.18 beta on March 9, 2022, with reports on multiple bug fixes and optimizations, 'Take off your shit mask. Then go to the grocery store. When it comes to showing your face to a woman, she may be able to do it if you are confident and not afraid to lie. Women like confidence. Women prefer men who hide their faces from fear. Hmm. What are you afraid of? Having sex? Let's grow up. '
Steam :: Domina :: DOMINA v1.3.18 BETA

This isn't the first time Dolphin Barn, the developer of DOMINA, has given his own view on patch notes. In the patch note for version 1.2.89 beta released on May 7, 2021, 'Weak humans are not counted, weak men have no personality, strong morality is hard to come by, effort and effort. It's a sacrifice, not available on OnlyFans or PornHub. '' Really ... you shouldn't be taught how to live a life from a stranger on the internet. If you want to know how to live a life, read the New Testament. You should read. The internet only lies to you. '
Since the release of the patch notes for version 1.3.18 beta, DOMINA's reviews on Steam have been flooded with unpopular reviews, saying, 'Anti-mask game developers are feeding glorious patch notes to Twitter feeds. It's shameful. '' Developers are non-professional anti-masker weirdos. '' How to ruin a game in two easy steps. 1: Add microtransactions years after release. . 2: Added strange comments about masks to patch notes. '
According to a post from DOMINA's official Twitter account, DOMINA has received an overwhelming number of 'popular' reviews (6089) before posting a patch note for version 1.3.18 beta, with user reviews over the last 30 days. 66 cases are also 'popular'. However, after posting the patch notes for version 1.3.18 beta, 7387 reviews have been 'popular', while 449 reviews have turned 'unpopular' in the last 30 days.
DOMINA — DOMINA (@DominaGame) March 13, 2022
dev: * suggestionss courage *
and thErEs nO suCh THing aS CAnCEL CULTURE ALSO
When I opened the Steam DOMINA sales page at the time of writing the article, 879 recent reviews were 'slightly unpopular'.
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