Russia suspends sales of rocket engines in retaliation for sanctions in Western countries, saying 'Who will stop the crisis of ISS crashing in the United States and Europe?'


NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

Russia has announced that it will stop selling rocket engines in retaliation for the sanctions imposed by countries around the world on Russia, which continues to invade Ukraine. Dmitry Rogozin, CEO of Russian state-owned space company Roscosmos, also mentioned the suspension of cooperation with the International Space Station (ISS). In addition, the impact on space development has begun to appear, such as the announcement of the cancellation of the artificial satellite launch of the satellite Internet company 'OneWeb'.

Russia to halt rocket engine deliveries to US, says Roscosmos chief --Science & Space --TASS

Russia stops rocket engine sales to US as space cooperation frays | Space

◆ Stop selling rocket engines to the United States
On Wednesday, March 3, 2022, Mr. Rogozin announced that he would stop selling rocket engines manufactured by rocket engine development company NPO Energomash to the United States. The rocket engines that will be discontinued include the ' RD-180 ' used in Atlas V and the ' RD-181 ' used in Antares .

'We have plans to deliver 12 RD-181s to the United States from 2022 to 2024, and we have been discussing with the United States about the delivery of the improved RD-181M, but in this situation we are in the United States. It is impossible to supply the best engine. '

◆ Suspension of cooperation with the ISS
On Friday, February 25, 2022, Rogojin posted his opinion on Twitter about US President Joe Biden's reference to Russia's space program. He talked about Russia's raison d'etre in space exploration, saying, 'Who will save the ISS from getting out of control and crashing into the United States and Europe if Mr. Biden ceases to work with us? Are you going to threaten China with the fear that a 500-ton structure will crash? '

In addition, in an interview conducted in March 2022, 'We carefully monitor the behavior of our American partners, and if they remain hostile, we will return to the issue of the ISS.' Expects the United States to calm down and does not want this scenario, 'he said, calling for relaxation of sanctions, citing cooperation with the ISS.

◆ Cancellation of OneWeb launch
OneWeb , a satellite internet company, has used the Russian rocket Soyuz 2 to launch artificial satellites. However, Dmitry told OneWeb on March 2, 2022 that 'Soyuz 2 cannot be launched without a guarantee that it will not be used for military purposes.'

In addition, 'the British government, which is a major shareholder of OneWeb, abandons its shares' because of 'the UK's hostile attitude toward Russia' was added as one of the conditions for launching the rocket.

Following the above request, UK Minister of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Kwasi Kwarteng said, 'The UK Government will not sell its shares in OneWeb. We are in contact with other shareholders to discuss the next steps.' He stated that he had no plans to sell his shares.

And OneWeb issued a statement on Thursday, March 3, 2022, 'OneWeb has decided to cancel all launches from Baikonur .' This can affect OneWeb services.

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf