What is the 'gold' that human beings have mined so far used for?

Gold, which is an element with atomic number 79, is a metal that has a high density, is soft and easy to process, and does not rust, so it does not lose its brilliance forever. It is one of the precious metals that has been revered by humans since ancient times because of its use as a conductor. Visual Capitalist, a site that visualizes various data from all over the world, summarizes various data about such money.
Chart: How Much Gold is in the World?
According to the World Gold Council, a market development organization for the gold industry, an estimated total of 201,296 tonnes of gold have been mined so far. It is said that about 53,000 tons of gold are sleeping on the earth. It weighs a lot, but if you actually collect all the gold on the earth, its volume will be equivalent to a cube of 21.8 meters square.

Of the approximately 200,000 tons of gold that have been mined so far, 93,253 tons, or 46%, are used for jewelry. India and China have the most active jewelery consumer markets, accounting for more than 50% of jewelery demand. The next largest is for personal investment purposes, which is 22%, or 44,384 tons. And it is said that the amount of gold owned by banks will be 34,211 tons, which is 17% of the total. Of the gold owned by this bank, 8133 tons are owned by the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.

Other than that, gold is used for conductors of electronic devices, tooth fillings, and parts of artificial satellites. For example, it seems that about 0.034g of gold is spent on one iPhone. 15% of the gold on the ground is consumed for industrial purposes.
And the domestic translation of the 53,000 tons of gold that has not been mined yet is as follows. The largest is Australia with 10,000 tons, followed by Russia, the United States, Peru and South Africa.

'Gold has existed for thousands of years and will continue to be mined. In an era of high price volatility and growing concerns about global inflation, gold has long-term value. It will maintain and protect investors. '
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