'Story living by Disney', a residential area where you can live in a house made by Disney, will be announced. It is fully equipped with commercial facilities and can be used by non-residents with a 1-day pass.

' Storyliving by Disney ', a residential community formation plan consisting of 1900 homes, by

Disney Parks Experience Products, one of Disney's business divisions that develops theme parks and resort businesses around the world, has been announced. .. 'Imagine an energetic community with the warmth and charm of a small town and the beauty of a resort,' said Helen Puck, executive at Disney Parks Experience Products.

New home communities | Storyliving by Disney

Disney Launches New Business to Develop Residential Communities --The Walt Disney Company

New Disney-branded residential communities aim to bring magic home

Disney is developing planned communities for fans who never want to leave its clutches --The Verge

'Storyliving by Disney' is a community of 1900 homes to be built in the Rancho Mirage area of the Coachella Valley , California, USA. The Coachella Valley is also known as the town where Walt Disney, the founder of Disney, once lived.

Announcing Storyliving By Disney | New Business To Develop Residential Communities --YouTube

Disney has released the concept art of 'Story living by Disney', which is a community that built villas, condominiums, apartments, etc. on a vast land of 24 acres (about 97,000 square meters).

There is a lake in the center of the community, and it is said that it will become a 'clear turquoise lake' that makes full use of the unique technology that Disney has cultivated in the construction of theme parks. Looking at the concept art, it seems that the lake is not only created just for the landscape, but you can also enjoy activities.

Facilities for shopping, dining and entertainment will be built in the community as amenities, as well as 'Lake-facing hotels and clubhouses to provide Disney programming, entertainment and activities throughout the year.' increase. In addition, even those who do not live in 'Storyliving by Disney' can enter the area and use hotels and commercial facilities by purchasing a one-day pass.

According to

USA TODAY reports, Disney will be responsible for the branding and marketing of 'Storyliving by Disney,' but the construction and sale of homes will be handled by affiliated third-party developers.

This is not the first time Disney has been involved in housing development. In 1996, we developed a community at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, and in 2011 we also developed a luxury resort in the state. The price of the house sold in 2011 was in the price range of 1.6 million dollars (about 180 million yen). However, not all of Disney's community development has been successful, with some plans not being realized as a concept and some communities struggling to maintain, The Verge points out.

Details such as financial aspects and living conditions of 'Storyliving by Disney' have not been clarified at the time of writing the article.

in Video, Posted by logu_ii