A mysterious situation occurs in which a new employee is 'different from the person interviewed'

With the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), remote work is being introduced in many companies, and recruitment interviews for new employees are increasingly being conducted online. Meanwhile, a mysterious situation was reported in
the new hire who showed up is not the same person we interviewed — Ask a Manager
The woman who reported the episode 'The new employee was a different person from the time of the online interview' to Ask a Manager is a woman whose husband is in the management position of a mid-sized IT company. According to the woman, the series of events happened at her husband's workplace, and although she was just a bystander, she posted it to Ask a Manager because it was a very crazy event.
According to a woman's post, the team managed by her husband has been recruiting mid-career employees for some time, and her husband was also present at the hiring interview. The hiring interview will be conducted completely remotely, and a man named 'John' who has passed the first, second and third interviews will be hired.
John started working remotely in late January 2022, but according to her husband, her appearance, episodes, personality, and behavior are clearly different from those at the time of the interview. The husband told the woman, 'John (at the time of the interview) has different hair than John now, and John now wears glasses that he didn't wear at the time of the interview.' I'm working in the garage because I have a child and a wife. ”But at the time of the interview, John said he was single, and the place where he was interviewing was clearly an indoor desk area. 'Currently John can't answer what was important to his position and could have been discussed at the time of the interview.' 'Currently John is reluctant and shy, but at the time of the interview he spoke confidently and clearly.' He said that John and John at the time of the interview are clearly different people.
My husband was convinced that 'John is different from John at the time of the interview.' The woman who heard this story said, 'There were multiple candidates for recruitment called'John', and the recruitment committee confused'John who was supposed to hire'and'John who was supposed to drop'. He showed the hypothesis that 'Isn't it?', But his husband said, 'The only person who advanced to the third interview was' John 'who was hired this time, and the other candidates were notified of the loss before the third interview. Because I sent it, it is unlikely that I would make a mistake. '

After my husband first felt uncomfortable, my boss, 'Holly,' sent me a text message to my husband. In this message, Holly wanted to know, 'Did you feel that you were doing something very different from what John should have adopted now?' The husband replied to Holly about his suspicions, saying he didn't want to blame John.
Holly, like her husband, was skeptical of John, saying, 'John never remembers himself in charge of two of the three interviews, and he introduced himself and the company he should have spoken to in the interview. I had to explain my job at the company again. ' Holly also thought that it was unlikely that the recruitment committee had mistaken for another person named'John'.
As a result of discussions between her husband, Holly, the recruitment committee, personnel affairs, and the legal team, it was decided that John would quit his job. But instead of telling John, 'You might have used another person to trick the company in the interview,' he tells him, 'I'm worried that I've overstated my performance and abilities.' It was decided. The legal team also approved tracking 'whether John's computer is receiving external messages' and 'whether work is being done on another computer' due to security issues.
However, when HR called John to convey a series of decisions, John hung up just saying 'quit' at the very beginning of the opening, and since then he has been out of touch. The woman who reported the situation said, 'This is an incredibly strange situation. I hope John failed not to steal the company's confidential information, but simply to get a job, but in fact. No one knows where. '

Ask a Manager administrator Alison Green reports a case of 'using a replacement ball in an interview' in connection with the case reported this time, especially due to the increase in online interviews for IT-related work. Pointed out that it became. If a new employee doesn't have the skills he talked about in the hiring interview, he has to deal with it frankly, but for a while after joining the company, he thought, 'I think he's just joined the company and isn't used to work,' and for a few months. It is said that there are many cases in which the replacement ball is finally noticed after a lapse of time.
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in Note, Posted by log1h_ik