``There is no such thing as moderate drinking, any amount of drinking is detrimental to heart health,'' the World Heart Federation said in a statement.

No amount of alcohol is good for the heart, says World Heart Federation - World Heart Federation
The World Heart Federation has issued a statement that ``there is no appropriate amount of drinking'' because alcohol-related deaths and disabilities are increasing. According to the federation, the number of alcohol-related deaths worldwide is estimated to have reached 2.4 million in 2019, with 4.3% of deaths linked to alcohol. In particular, 12.6% of men aged 15 to 49 lost their lives due to alcohol.
Just as the proverb meaning 'alcohol is the chief of all medicines' exists in English as 'Good wine makes good blood (good wine makes good blood)', even in the West, 'moderate drinking risks heart disease There is a rumor that According to the World Heart Federation, 'Even small amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including arterial disease, stroke, heart failure, hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation and aneurysm,' according to research. Studies that refute this are purely observational studies that are based on the presence or absence of pre-existing medical conditions and other factors such as those classified as 'non-alcoholic' who actually have a history of alcoholism. 'We haven't ruled out any factors. So far, we haven't found a correlation between moderate drinking and a reduced risk of heart disease.'

In addition, the World Heart Federation considers not only the death caused by alcohol but also the economic and social costs that alcohol produces. The economic and social costs of alcohol include the burden on the health care system, loss of productivity, and increased risk of violence, homelessness, and criminal behavior, especially for people who are socially and economically vulnerable. It is said that it has the property of functioning as a factor that 'makes the weak weaker', that is, the more adversely affected by alcohol.
Monica Arora, a member of the World Heart Federation's policy advocacy committee, said, 'Advertisements such as 'alcohol is essential for a vigorous life' divert attention from the harm of drinking, and '1 a day A glass of red wine is good for heart disease.” These claims are at best misleading and at worst an attempt by the alcohol industry to trick the public into selling its products. It is part of the attempt to do it again, ”he commented, calling attention to such rumors.
The theory that 'a moderate amount of drinking is good for health' is wrong, and the results of a survey of more than 350,000 people reveal that 'any amount of drinking harms heart health'-GIGAZINE

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