Many of the 'Havana Syndrome' that diplomats suffered mysterious brain damage one after another are not attacks of other countries, while there are also unexplained reports

In 2017, several US and Canadian diplomats stationed in Havana, the capital of Cuba,

reported symptoms such as deafness and brain damage. When the US government gathered information, more than 1000 cases of this 'Havana syndrome' were confirmed, but the cause was unknown, and there was even a view that it was a stealth attack with a top secret microwave weapon. However, it is newly revealed that the CIA believes that most of this is 'less likely to be caused by attacks from other countries.'

CIA says'Havana Syndrome' not result of sustained global campaign by hostile power

Most'Havana Syndrome' Cases Unlikely Caused by Foreign Power, CIA Says --The New York Times

'Havana syndrome' unlikely caused by hostile foreign power, CIA says | US news | The Guardian

Regarding Havana syndrome, the possibility of 'stealth attack by top secret microwave weapons ' targeting US government agencies has been shown, as well as the theory that 'caused by mosquito pesticides and crickets ' and 'group hysteria'. Although the theory that 'isn't it? ' Has appeared, the cause has not been identified.

What was happening at the US Embassy in Cuba where the 'acoustic attack' was reported? --GIGAZINE

Meanwhile, on January 21, 2022, NBC News said, 'The CIA is'attacking Americans around the world to gather and damage information and damage to Russia and other countries. As a result, various brain injuries were caused. ”We considered the idea to be groundless.”

Although the CIA's findings are an interim evaluation and not in collaboration with other agencies, including the Pentagon, those who have actually experienced Havana Syndrome have expressed disappointment, NBC News said. I am.

In response, CIA Secretary William Burns said, 'We have produced some important interim findings, but the investigation has not been completed. People in need of further investigation and help in these cases. We will continue to provide world-class treatments to. '

In the first report of Havana Syndrome, symptoms such as dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and memory loss were reported. After that, when a government agency asked for information, more than 1000 case reports were collected. However, the CIA's interim findings assume that most of them are caused by other illnesses, environmental factors, and stress. On the other hand, the 20 reports, including the first one, cannot be explained, and further investigation is needed, including the possibility of an attack.

Secretary of State Tony Blinken commented, 'We will continue to do everything we can with the resources we can to clarify the situation and reveal our responsibilities. We will take every possible measure.' ..

In addition, although the brain damage reported as Havana syndrome in the 2020 report was shown to be similar to the damage caused by the microwave weapon attack that Russia has been studying for a long time, Russia consistently went to the incident. Denies the involvement of.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log