Appropriate & Inappropriate Teaching Methods for Teaching 'Gifted'

What it Means to Teach Gifted Learners Well | National Association for Gifted Children
◆ Appropriate method
・ Same environment as all children
Developing gifted talent is difficult with a dry curriculum and requires as much learning experience as any other child. In order to enrich Gifted's ideas and empower them to face challenges, education is needed according to the ' General Principles of Discipline' known as how to discipline children. It should be raised in an environment where all children gather together, not just gifted.
・ Pace distribution according to individual
Gifted usually learns faster than other children, so they need quicker instruction. Learning too early often makes educators uneasy, but it is comfortable for gifted people.
・ More advanced education
Gifted should address more complex, abstract, and multifaceted issues, which greatly enhances Gifted's insight, NAGC said. Gifted may, if not always, deal with ambiguous issues with a higher degree of independence than others.
・ Appropriate support
When gifted continues to perform better than other children, they may feel that they are 'expected to be better than others' by being aware of it. Educators say that giving such children a high-load task not only makes learning difficult, but also makes them feel afraid of betraying their expectations. It is important to make sure that you have sufficient knowledge before giving guidance.

◆ Inappropriate method
・ Iterative learning
Many gifteds are good at completing the next task based on the knowledge and ideas they have gained, so NAGC advises them to learn what they already know and to ask them to solve the same task sooner. 'A murderer of interest and motivation.' It's also not good to have them spend low quality time, such as solving puzzles or doing classroom chores in their spare time.
・ Long hours of self-study
The act of separating from other children by saying, 'Read a book behind you,' violates the basic premise that 'every child needs an educator,' and is social and emotional for the child. It is said that it inhibits growth.
・ Fragmented learning experience
Instructing gifteds, a novel and 'enriching perspective' is not appropriate. For example, letting a gifted piano talent make a toy piano, teach strange things that happened in the music world, or play a musician's name-finding game is 'the qualities of a music teacher.' I doubt it. ' All you have to do is work on the theory and performance of music so that musicians know how to think and act, and know for themselves how to move to perform at the professional level. It says to do.

Gifted education methods differ for children who have experienced a variety of things, such as age, learning style, gender and culture, and those who have not. NAGC said, 'The ideas presented here are just theories, and flexible school education is required so that children can continue to make progress.'
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