Ubisoft, the developer of 'Assassin's Creed', suspends the user's account, how to avoid it?

Ubisoft, which develops popular games such as the 'Assassin's Creed' series and 'Rainbow Six Siege,' provides an account service that enables users to earn points and communicate with each other according to the progress of the game. A case was reported in which this Ubisoft account was 'unknowingly deleted'.
Could GDPR policy erase your games? It happened to an Ubisoft customer | PCWorld
By creating a Ubisoft account, you can earn in-game rewards and use points to purchase items as the game progresses. Some items that can be purchased have a direct impact on the gaming experience, such as those that increase experience points.

The person who reported the deletion of the account this time is a person who calls himself Tor. Tor had spent hundreds of dollars on Ubisoft games, but in 2020 he sold his gaming PC away from gameplay and bought it again in the summer of 2021 to play the game. It is said that it has resumed. However, when I tried to log in to my Ubisoft account for the first time in about a year, the login failed. After submitting a password reset request, I found out that my account was unavailable.
After checking his email inbox, Tor found a notification from his junk email folder about Ubisoft's account suspension. Tor thought that the account itself existed because it was possible to request a password reset, so he contacted Ubisoft, but Ubisoft said, 'If the account is suspended, there is no way to restore it.' I got a reply.

If you check the

PCWorld, an IT news site, points out that 'Ubisoft's Terms of Service, which provide for account suspension, may be set to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).' In addition, the terms of use of Minecraft's multiplayer service ' Minecraft Realms ' and popular FPS ' VALORANT ' also include a clause to suspend or delete the account if login is not confirmed for a certain period of time. On the other hand, Valve, which provides the game distribution platform Steam, has stated to PC World that 'Steam will not suspend inactive accounts.'
Ubisoft's support page says, 'Please be assured that Ubisoft will not automatically close unused accounts,' while 'accounts that have not been used for a long time may be closed. You will be notified by email when the process of closing an account that has not been closed begins. ' However, as with Mr. Tor, it is possible that the notification email is judged to be junk email, so it is recommended that those who have a Ubisoft account log in regularly.
Closing an inactive Ubisoft account | Ubisoft Help

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in Game, Posted by log1o_hf