Valuable speech by 24-year-old Linus Torvalds is rediscovered

By Krd
John Hall , president of the Linux Professional Institute , an international Linux-related accreditation body, has released an audio recording of a lecture given by Linux creator Linus Torvalds at the age of 24.
The lost talks from Linus Torvalds at DECUS'94: John Hall: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive
Rare Recordings of 1994 Talks By a 24-Year-Old Linus Torvalds Re-Discovered --Slashdot
The audio recording released this time is a recording of Mr. Torvalds' lecture at the symposium of the user community ' DECUS ' of Digital Equipment Corporation held in May 1994. You can listen to the lecture entitled 'Implementation Issues in Linux' by clicking the play button from the following page of the Internet Archive.
The lost talks from Linus Torvalds at DECUS'94: John Hall: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive

Mr. Torvalds, who was 24 years old at the time, was still a student at the University of Helsinki, but he did basic Linux design such as development cycle, process management, file system, memory management, and 'Keep it simple stupid'. He talks about the KISS principle of 'this stupidity)' for an hour.
John Hall, who released this audio recording on December 25, 2021, told Torvalds, 'This is a Christmas gift that has kept good boys and girls who love GNU or Linux for a long time.' I also revealed the episode when I met. According to it, in February 1994, Karl Reisler, then chairman of DECUS, suddenly said that he wanted to bring in a person from Finland that he had never heard of, and donated to pay for this person's travel expenses. Mr. Hall said that he was merciful because he started recruiting. And at the DECUS venue, while struggling with two people on an Intel PC like Mr. Reisler's garbage, 'a complete Unix system with source code is only $ 99 (about 10,000 yen at the rate at that time)' When I was trying to install the program on the CD that says, a young man wearing sandy brown hair, gold-rimmed glasses, wool socks and sandals asked, 'Would you like to help?' With a European accent. It seems to be.
In just 10 minutes, a young man named Linus Torvalds installed Linux on his poor Intel PC and headed for two talks entitled 'Introduction to Linux' and 'Implementation Problems in Linux.' .. At that time, the DECUS venue had a total of 19,000 participants, but only about 40 attended to listen to Mr. Torvalds' lecture. However, although the audience was small, Mr. Torvalds seemed to be feeling a lot of stress, and Mr. Hall said, 'I had a face that seemed to vomit many times.' It seems that he received applause.
The audio recording released by Mr. Hall this time is only 'Implementation problem in Linux' out of the two lectures given by Mr. Torvalds on the day. Mr. Hall said that he happened to find an audio tape containing this audio recording while cleaning, 'This is a Christmas gift nearly 30 years ago. Happy Linuxing for all beliefs and religions. I sent a comment.
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