China submits a complaint about SpaceX to the United Nations, Elon Musk is flooded with criticism from China

China has filed a complaint with the United Nations about SpaceX, a private space agency founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, saying 'we were forced to take evasive action to avoid SpaceX's small satellites.' This complaint is flooded with criticisms against Mask CEO on the popular Chinese social network Weibo.
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China says SpaceX satellites nearly collided with space station
2021 December 6, parked the United Nations the Chinese government representative portion of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs close encounter and SpaceX artificial satellite to the 'July 1, the Chinese space station of 2021 and October 21, addressed to the Secretary-General of , Implemented collision avoidance control to ensure safety. '
Information furnished in conformity with the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

This protest is written in Article 5 of the Convention on the Principles governing National Activities in the Exploration and Utilization of Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies (Outer Space Treaty). If we discover a potentially dangerous phenomenon in outer space, including the Moon or other celestial bodies, we shall immediately notify the other parties to the Convention or the Secretary-General of the United Nations. ' It is said that it is the basis.
According to reports, SpaceX's artificial satellites that are the subject of protests are two of the approximately 1900 artificial satellites launched by the satellite Internet service 'Starlink' division. Regarding a series of collision avoidance cases, China stated in Article 6 of the Outer Space Treaty that 'the parties to the treaty carry out their activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, by government agencies or by non-governmental organizations. Regardless of whether it is done or not, it has an international responsibility and an international responsibility to ensure that its activities are carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Convention. ' I am asking the United Nations Space Agency to do so.
As mentioned above, the Chinese side insists, but the US news agency points out that 'the allegations have not been verified.' He asked SpaceX for comment, but reported that he did not respond.
In connection with this case, weibo, a popular SNS in China, is flooded with criticisms against Mask CEO. Some users have described SpaceX's satellites as 'just a mountain of space debris,' while others have called them 'American space war weapons.' They will pay the price for their business activities. '
As mentioned above, SpaceX has about 1900 artificial satellites in orbit for Starlink, but it is expected to increase further in the future.
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