Crows understand the 'value of tools' and value important tools more

Humans value convenient tools more than inconvenient ones, reducing the cost of using and replacing them more often. Studies have shown that this behavior is found not only in humans but also in crows.

New Caledonian crows keep'valuable' hooked tools safer than basic non-hooked tools | eLife

Crows Are So Smart They Seem to Understand The Concept of Tool Value

Crows keep special tools extra safe | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Christian Lutz and colleagues at St. Andrew's University, who have done a lot of research on crows, conducted a survey on Caledonian glass, which is known for its habit of using twigs to pull insects out of holes in trees. We temporarily captured 27 wild Caledonian geese and conducted experiments using two types of twigs.

There are two twigs prepared by Lutz et al., One with a hooked tip and one with a straight tip. Preliminary experiments have shown that keyed twigs are more difficult to obtain and manufacture than keyless twigs and can pull food out of a hole in a tree 10 times faster than keyless twigs.

Lutz et al. First arranged 20 keyless twigs and 1 keyed twig in a circle and put a piece of meat in an object that imitated a hole in a tree, and investigated which twig the Caledonian glass would choose. It turns out that the keyed twigs are chosen in the case.

Next, Lutz et al. Randomly arranged 100 random twigs and observed which twig the Caledonian glass chose. In this experiment as well, Caledonian glass tends to choose keyed twigs, and when choosing keyed twigs, it is said that more and more people take 'storage behavior' to put them at their feet so as not to lose the twigs.

by Arthur Chapman

'I was thrilled to see Caledonian glass paying attention to the more efficient and hard-to-find twigs,' said James St. Clair, who was involved in the experiment. It was shown that he had some idea about. '

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1p_kr